Wedding Etiquette Forum

Random text / bad morning

This morning when I got in to work, I decided to make a pot of coffee  (a 12 cup pot, respectively).  After pouring 12 cups of water into the pot and filling the filter with grounds, I went out the hall to the bathroom.  I immediately noticed that there is a 6 foot radius of water on the carpet coming out of the men's bathroom... yup, the men's bathroom overflowed.  Single wet footprints were clearly visible walking from the puddle into the creepy IT guy's office.

I went back into MY office and much to my dismay discovered that I had failed to put the pot back into the coffee maker.  Yes, all 12 cups of HOT coffee dripped all over the counter and down the cabinet soaking an important file that was sitting below.

My phone went off that I received a text message.  Message stated:  "Kris M. is really a Hindu."

1.  Who the F is Kris M?
2.  Why should I care if he is a Hindu?
3.  Why does the number show up as "unregistered?"

Anyone else have any weird text message stories?



Re: Random text / bad morning

  • Ewww, uggh and huh were my brain sounds for this post.  You're welcome, SP.  You're welcome. 
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  • Aww Peanut! Sounds like you've had a super rough morning. I get random texts from my friend all the time. She sends me sh!t from "Texts From Last Night". I don't give a crap. Half the sh!t she sends is just that - sh!t. And from someone I know. It's horrible.
  • My sister kept getting these texts saying things like 'just give me another chance' 'let me explain my side of the story, im really sorry, etc. `So my sister finally text back and said, please stop texting this number, you have the wrong number then she wrote back that my sister was lying and to let her speak to so and so.

    So we called her and said, listen, you have the wrong number, stop texting me, its annoying.

    She stopped. It was amusing for about 5 minutes though.
    image Married and Junk.
  • last week, I got a text message wishing me a happy birthday:

    strange texter: Happy Birthday!!
    Me: It's not my birthday, who is this?
    strange texter: Oh don't lie! It IS your birthday and you DO know who this is!
    Me: No really, no idea who you are, and it's definitely not my birthday.
    strange texter: F*ck you bitch.
    Me: Thank you.
  • Sorry you're having a rough start to your day, salty.

    I too have been getting weird messages.

    The first was at 7 AM last Saturday, and was something about buying a "myxer attchment" as a gift. I just assumed it was one of FMIL's friends talking about a wedding gift and left it alone.

    Then yesterday this discussion happened:
    "It's Barbara. I seen you outside. Come down and see me in unit 1 before you leave."
    "I don't know who you are or what unit 1 is"
    "It's Barbara, I work in unit 1"
    "RU still there?"
    "I don't know who you are, please stop texting me"
    "It's Barbara Lastname."
    "Well, Barbara, my name is Stephanie and I still don't know who you are. But thanks for wasting my money on all these texts."
  • Did you go ask creepy IT guy why he left a flooding bathroom? Jackass.

    You should text back "I know! And his boyfriend was just impregnated with an alien's baby, making him the REAL first pregnant man. Oprah's on her way."

  • Not a text situation but for a long time I would get friend requests on LinkedIn/MySpace/Facebook from a guy named Tom. I know many Toms but I have never met this guy. Finally I'm on my gmail one night and I get a message that the same guy wants to know if he can add me to his chat list (my gmail is just my firstname.maidenname so it wasn't hard for him to guess it). Out of curiosity I say ok and he starts talking to me immediately, saying "where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" After a little back and forth we discover that I am not who he thinks I am, but that there is a girl somewhere in Scotland with the same exact name as me. Tom himself lives in Ireland and when he visited DC a few summers ago, I took him out for a pint.
  • I got a text one night from someone that said, "I'm a cottonheadedninnymuggins!" and while I do enjoy the movie Elf, I had no idea who it was.
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  • If you send a text to the phones at my work, it will create a voicemail. It's just a computer voice reading the text. When my coworker and I go out, we'll send drunk text messages to our work computers so that we can laugh on Monday.
  • Aw, Peanut.  I'm sorry.

    This phone number I have sucks.  In addition to getting tons of calls from the previous owner of this phone number's creditors, I also was getting texts from what seemed to be a teenage boy attempting to booty call some girl.  I finally wrote back, "u have the wrong # idiot, quit texting me".  He actually stopped, much to my surprise.
  • I got a text one night from some number saying "haha that is such a great picture" and we back and forthed a bit, she insisted I sent her a picture and was her friend, I assured her many times I was not and it would be impossible for a picture to be sent from my number or my phone, she insisted i was lying.

    I also went through a period where some dipshit named randy obviously didnt know how to give out his phone number properly because I was constantly getting calls for him. It got to the point where I stopped answering my phone if i didnt know the number and just changed my voicemail to something along the lines of "this isnt fucking randy, randy is an idiot who gave you the wrong number so stop calling me", shortly after the calls stopped.
  • I get calls on my work cell for a liquor store with some regularity.  Apparently, the store has my number on their website, and listed with google.  I've had this number for 4 years.  Since they only list my number, I don't know how to call them and tell them it's wrong!

    I also occasionally get texts from my ballplayers that they intended to go elsewhere.  I have a zero tolerance policy for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.  I kicked a kid off my team once b/c of an errant text about drinking.  She was 15.

    Peanut, sorry about your morning.  I hope it's getting better!  If you can, go to lunch at Ruby Tuesday's.  They have funnel cake fries on the dessert menu & they're the best cure for a shiity day at work that you can consume at lunch and still go back to the office.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • I did an MS 150 bike ride a year or so ago, and when I got to the first stop, I texted 4 of my friends, " 95 down, 55 more to go. kinda sore, butt hurts". I got one back that said, "ummm.. good luck?"

    Apparently I had forgotten to change my friend's number in her phone the week before. Oops.
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I was on the other end, making the wrong number call a few weeks ago.  I was trying to call DB to set up an appointment to look at dresses.  Some guy answers the phone w/o saing DB, so I apologized for calling the wrong number.  He interrupts me to ask if I'm trying to call DB and gives me the correct number. Before I could say thanks and hang up he asks if it's my wedding and do I already have a photog.  Apparently the numbers were 1 digit off and this guy is a photographer that solicits everybody looking for DB that calls him instead.  I thout it was funny, but kinda weird.
  • I don't so much as get random texts as those stupid forwarded texts. I hate those mother effers.
  • Sorry for your crappy morning Peanut!
    I got a wrong number phone call yesterday from someone who didn't speak English. That was fun.
  • FI got a new phone number a few months ago. Right away, he started getting e-mails (in text form) from United Airlines. Apparently the guy who had the number before him was an airline security guy. FI gets all of these abbreviated message with things like "Plane delayed at LAX. Faulty engine" and "Bomb suspected in DEN, bomb squad delayed." Lots of them are random and meaningless, but he got one last week about a plane arriving in ORD (chicago!) with a deep scratch down the side. Makes me never want to fly again.

    Oh, and he called both Verizon as well as United. They refuse to do anything. At least he's not being charged for them.
  • Talk about creepy.. Right after I posed about FI, I was thinking "Hm, I never get wrong numbers!" and my phone rang. It was a woman looking for my mom, who's in Minnesota... My mom must've put my phone number on a form by accident.
  • The other night I got a call in the middle of the night from a lady with an english accent (presumably in england). She said, 'Hi lulu! Did I wake you?'... I was like, well, you did, but it's not lulu! haha. 


    The funniest random call I got was one in which I said hello and the girl on the other end sung the whole 'happy birthday to you' song with someone else's name (not mine) in it.  It was bizarre because my birthday was a few days later, but yeah, I couldn't tell her she had the wrong number until she finally got to the end of the song! 

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