Wedding Etiquette Forum

Reply Card Help

Hello All, I have a little question. My fiance and I are offering two seperate entrees at our wedding. One is a beef plate the other is a chicken plate. I am unsure how to word our reply cards with this information. Should we put a place on the card with:
Number attending____   cannot attend_____

chicken____   beef____ child's plate____

or should we just get the same amount of beef plates and chicken plates? And not even ask our guests? I am confused, please help!
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Re: Reply Card Help

  • we're doing just about the same

    ___ of 4 can come!
    ___ of 4 will not attend.

    Chicken____ Fish____

    Not the exact wording but you get the picture lol
  • We did:

    __regrets  ___ accepts

    choice of:
    ___cornish hen
    ___ beef
  • I would ditto Rosie, and also add the line "Please indicate # of each"
  • edited May 2011
    we're doing something a little silly, since we're getting married in vegas...

    M ________________________

    ___  washing my hair that weekend
    ___  can't wait to see elvis

    ___ love me some red meat   ___ tastes like chicken

    ETA:  my other idea was ___ moooo  vs. ____ cluck cluck
  • We said, "please initial next to your choice of entree" I believe. Plus ___accepts _____ declines.
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  • Same as Mery. Depending on your caterer, you may need not only numbers, but some sort of indication of who gets what. 
  • edited May 2011
    Ours is going to be
                                                                                      Chicken    Beef    Child
    _________ is attending____   cannot attend_____           O           O         O
    _________ is attending____   cannot attend_____           O           O         O
    _________ is attending____   cannot attend_____           O           O         O
    _________ is attending____   cannot attend_____           O           O         O

    Our venue requires you to have different color name cards for each entre, so we have match person to food choice.  But if they didn't care, I would just do numbers.

    EDIT - Ours will be on one line, but you get the idea.
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