Wedding Etiquette Forum

announcement in newspaper

Is there any etiquette about when the engagement announcement should go in the paper? I have friends that put theirs in a year in advance and others that went in weeks before the wedding. What is everyone else doing?

Re: announcement in newspaper

  • tldhtldh member
    Even though you didn't ask, please watch how much information you put in there.  One of my professors told me once that when she got married, they had to ask neighbors to literally come sit in their and their parent's houses because they realized that they just told burglars when they would be empty.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • I've seen them well in advance, a year or 6 months, but I can't recall seeing one close to a wedding date.  We didn't do an engagement announcement but are planning on putting a wedding announcement afterwards in my hometown paper. 
  • Ours was published about 10 months before the wedding.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: announcement in newspaper</a>:
    [QUOTE]Even though you didn't ask, please watch how much information you put in there.  One of my professors told me once that when she got married, they had to ask neighbors to literally come sit in their and their parent's houses because they realized that they just told burglars when they would be empty.
    Posted by tldh[/QUOTE]

    This!  The same with obits.  Nothing could be worse than coming back from a wedding/funeral to find your home has been broken into.
  • That specific newspaper that you want it posted in may have their own guidelines about when they publish them. I know that around here, I mostly see them less than 6 months before the wedding, really a month or two usually. I'm not sure if that's due to the newspaper's policy or when the couples submitted their info.
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  • There aren't any engagemet announcements here anymore.  The New York Times does only wedding announcements and the are printed in Sunday Styles the Sunday after the wedding.
  • You can do it whenever you want.  I've actually seen people do wedding announcements instead of engagement announcements in our local small town paper.  Some people do both.
  • Some local papers around here are just super stinkin' slow at publishing them, so you send them in a few months ahead and it takes a while before you see it.
    As my fiance is fond of saying, "Just Relax....."
  • I put mine in the paper two days ago and my wedding is 45 days away.  We were waiting for the engagement photos that could only be scheduled after I finished student teaching.  My mom told me to make sure that I wrote, "the couple became engaged in September 2009 and will marry in September 2010" so "it didn't look like you got knocked up," lol.  Thanks mom.  I don't really think it matters when the announcement gets posted, your friends and family will cut it out and post it on the fridge no matter what.  :)
  • The paper here has eliminated the free engagement & wedding announcements, and now you have to buy a display ad - just like if you were a business and you wanted a display ad for your sale.  Cost is $175 for the small, and $199 for the large.  So very few people have any engagement/wedding announcements anymore...
  • My parents really wanted to publish one, procrastinated, and then insisted on doing one anyway. It went in 1-2 months before the wedding, but I thought it was really silly to do it then. But it's their money, they can do what they want I suppose.

    My point is: I wouldn't do it any later than 4 months before personally, and I'd aim for the sooner the better. If you've got a ring and a date, I think you are engagement announcement ready.
  • +1 to the PP's warnings; my FI and I aren't doing any announcements in the paper and we have our wedding website set up so it can't be indexed by search engines, etc.  We don't want anyone other than our invited guests knowing anything about dates and locations so we don't have to worry about home issues when we're gone or sabotage of any of our wedding/reception plans as I've heard there are sometimes demented people with way too much time on their hands that will learn things from a couple's wedding website and try to call vendors or the venue and make changes or request cancellations, etc.

    Married in Vegas - June 2011

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