Wedding Etiquette Forum

Today I....

...started off the morning with my first married fight with DH over him coming home to let the dogs out. I come home everyday at lunch and just needed him to do it once because I...

...had to go to a seriously boring tax seminar at which...

... I learned that my parents should gift me half of their $20M (joke) now rather than leaving me the estate. Gift taxes are better than estate taxes.

... got declined buying a latte (for the second time in a week) because my bank blows

... got a little tipsy at the only good part about the tax seminar, the cocktail reception

What did you do today?

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Infertile, living childfree, advocating like a BOSS

Re: Today I....

  • ...used Santa to get my Pre-K kids to sing their Christmas songs (they have a concert soon...not my choice).

    ...was somewhat productive.

    ...actually cooked dinner...and then actually cleaned up the kitchen.

    ...took a nap.

    ...found out DH's class ends next week and not the week after.

    ...did not do any more decorating.
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Did you talk to your student, too, Sucrets?

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    Infertile, living childfree, advocating like a BOSS
  • - found out about my payrise and backpay- yay!

    - just looked out my window and realised it's raining and my windows are open at home... oh dear.

    - H and I will be going shopping later, exciting.
  • ... was forced to decorate our work tree because the person who used to do it was laid off. Just ONE more thing added to my fucking job list.

    ... could only use the silver ornaments and not any of the awesome black and silver because, though he loved them 2yrs ago when I bought them, the pres. is afraid of them now because 2-3 rednecks don't like stylish Christmas decorations and complained. I guess they'd rather have a goddamned Smokey Mt. Christmas or someshit.

    ... told my boss that if one person makes another suggestion about that fucking tree I was going to go back to my desk and do my real job and kindly offer the offender a great big mug of SHUTTHEFUCKUP.

    ... finished the ugly fucking tree and came home and dyed M's hair dark brown in the front and dark red in the back. Now I want it, but I can't because my kid did it first. Damn kids.
  • ...made the most delicious pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast.

    ...slacked off at work when I only have one day left.

    ...applied for about 10 receptionist jobs.

    ...looked up ways to make kitty toys at home.
  • (and sucrets did update about talking to her student earlier today- scroll down a little :) )
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Today I....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Did you talk to your student, too, Sucrets?
    Posted by brookelynpaisley[/QUOTE]

    I did, but I didn't want to restate it.  :)  She did cry, so I guess I could say I made a kid cry...
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • ...overslept this morning and stumbled into work at 11:30am.

    ...but that was only after tossing and turning for what seemed like an eternity because of my anxiety about going to work, which made me unable to fall asleep.

    ...while at work, we had our bi-weekly department meeting where I contributed and felt good about the ideas I presented.

    ...after which, I actually made it to the gym.  And felt good about it.  Really good.

    ...lastly, I flat ironed my hair (like 5 minutes ago), because otherwise my head would look like a bad 80's video.
  • - Stayed home from work sick

    - Slept for about 6 hours between 9-4

    - Started looking for a new job

    - Found a introduction to yoga class just down the street (not sure if I'll go though because I'm a skerdy cat)

    - Watched 2 SVU episodes I've seen before
  • -was 2 minutes late for work

    -dealt with verbally abusive kids all day

    -ate an apple, granola bar, and ice cream cone

    -took a 4 hour nap

    -applied to 2 graduate programs! :)
  • Julez - I rewatch SVU episodes all the time. They never get old!
  • Ate a delicious homemade breakfast cookie.

    Had FI drop me off at work so I could drive my rental home for my trip.

    Promptly remembered I was supposed to drive to a job fair.

    Felt like an ass and borrowed my boss' car/boat to go there.

    Hobknobbed with high schoolers.

    Walked the dog, packed, and got depressed about possibly not seeing my family for Christmas.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • ...only went to sleep well after 6am, knowing I had to be awake by 930am.

    ....FI and I woke up a little before 10am, he went to apply for a 2nd job, while I tried to wake up completely and waited for a phone call ...

    ...Went to pick my brother up after an outpatient surgery, and ended up waiting 3 hrs due to him having an allergic reaction to a med.

    ...Once he was ready, we took him home, and we were out "window" shopping all day. We only bought a few things we needed. Went to a mall FI has never been to, and I haven't been there in years. Then got lost trying to find a toys R us. So never got there, took the extra long way home.

    ...stopped for dinner before coming home.
    Now relaxing and watching movies.

    ...WOW what a day. FI's day off and it sure was a busy day. A lot of running around.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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