My Ex and I have not been together since the day our daughter was born, we have a friendly relationship (for the sake of our daughter). I maintain a close, close relationship to my Ex's brother, wife & children (in fact, I nannied for them for 2 1/2 years) and really want to invite them to my wedding - Where I am running into questions is with the rest of his family (My Ex's other brother/wife/children, sister/husband/children, his parents & my Ex) I do have a friendly relationship with all of them as well, but we are not close. I do not think my Ex would want to come and I dont think HE would be happy if I invited the rest of his whole family but I know his parents & other brother expect an invite too. What do I do?! Is it rude to only invite one of his brothers/wife/kids? My fiance is indifferent. HELP!