Wedding Etiquette Forum

Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen

Did you see this?  I seriously hope they do some plucking/waxing prior to filming.  

imageBabyFruit Ticker

Re: Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen

  • Holy eyebrows Batman! She's a pretty girl, but sheesh!
  • Those need tending for sure!
    imageDaisypath Wedding tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wow. Um, what the hell was her beauty team doing before someone took that picture?
    Posted by Champagne Supernova[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah seriously.  Who the eff is the person who said "you are photo ready"?</div>
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • i was picturing like Elle Fanning.
  • I was picturing 2 eyebrows.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • DeadUtopiaDeadUtopia member
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited April 2011
    No. :/

    Waxing is a girl's best friend.
  • well, let's not get all pretty pretty princess now.  they had to eat dandilions for petes sake!  i'm guessing she wasn't running out to get threaded every other weekened :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen</a>:
    [QUOTE]well, let's not get all pretty pretty princess now.  they had to eat dandilions for petes sake!  i'm guessing she wasn't running out to get threaded every other weekened :)
    Posted by kellyjellybelly[/QUOTE]

    <div>Looking the part is one thing, when it comes to filming.  But in promotional ads for the movie, she should look young and cute and innocent.  If she looks like that in the movie, I'll probably be mad at Katniss for not sacrificing her.</div>
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • HOLY CRAP! Quick! Someone get a shoe! There is a caterpillar on that girls forehead!!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen : Looking the part is one thing, when it comes to filming.  But in promotional ads for the movie, she should look young and cute and innocent. <strong> If she looks like that in the movie, I'll probably be mad at Katniss for not sacrificing her.</strong>
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]
    This.  I have this thing about eyebrows.  If no one waxes those things, then I'll hate the whole movie, and I really want to like it.  Ron Livingston's uneven brows already ruined Office Space for me.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • I just googled her, and it looks like ALL of the photos of her show unibrow.  So, either she has one naturally, or they put that out there as part of the promotional stuff, and that's how it's going to look for the movie.

    I still haven't read Hunger Games.
  • While the unibrow bugs me (and it's all I would stare it while watching her) it's a controversial issue to "make" her change her appearance since society isn't supposed to influence that onto young girls and just tell them they're beautiful the way they are... (the only reason I'm stating this is because I remember hearing about a month ago about a father who wanted to get his 4 year old daughter's eyebrows waxed or whatever and I thought it was insane)

    BUT -- having that craziness upon her face makes her stand out and probably made fun of or whatever. AND I think she's 12? I started shaving my legs when I was 11... Idk about my doing my eyebrows, because to be honest, I have pretty decent eyebrows.
    OH and she's a twin. I wonder if the twin has a unibrow... 
  • Holy crap, she needs some serious waxing and/or the tweezers.
  • That's seriously bad.  SHe's the blonde version of Frida.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • Yeah, I was 13 when I started getting my eyebrows waxed, and they were never even close to as bad as hers.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a13d5e63-6d27-4f48-b0c3-ebe90582e64fPost:dc77ab1f-ee77-4572-92d1-dc340f9ba1ac">Re: Prim "Unibrow" Everdeen</a>:
    [QUOTE]While the unibrow bugs me (and it's all I would stare it while watching her) <strong>it's a controversial issue to "make" her change her appearance since society isn't supposed to influence that onto young girls and just tell them they're beautiful the way they are...</strong> (the only reason I'm stating this is because I remember hearing about a month ago about a father who wanted to get his 4 year old daughter's eyebrows waxed or whatever and I thought it was insane) BUT -- having that craziness upon her face makes her stand out and probably made fun of or whatever. AND I think she's 12? I started shaving my legs when I was 11... Idk about my doing my eyebrows, because to be honest, I have pretty decent eyebrows. OH and she's a twin. I wonder if the twin has a unibrow... 
    Posted by Milsey32[/QUOTE]

    If you're going to get up on a giant screen in front of millions of people for one of the most anticipated films of the year, you need to make sure that your sh*t is together.  I may be beautiful the way I am, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to shave my gorilla legs before I go flouncing down the beach in a swimsuit this summer. 

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

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