Wedding Etiquette Forum

Happy Monday!!


Re: Happy Monday!!

  • Barbie - that sounds like a good start to the day. I just hope it is better than yesterday. I responded to one of your posts last night in the evening thread. I am not sure if you saw it or not. If not, NBD.
  • Bay what happened?

    Hi Manda and Fezz! I'm on the pouting bench with Manda about people having days off.

    Althought I do have Friday off so it's a short week for me.
  • H and I were just at cross purposes the whole weekend.  I knew he wanted to go to this convention with his friends this weekend on Friday and Saturday.  What I didn't expect was that a) he'd be gone both days until 1 - 2 AM, and b) that my ILs were going to be so busy.  My MIL was frazzled with planning for Easter, plus she's also working a second job right now (just until Mother's Day), so she was gone a lot of the time, and my BIL was working a 24 hour shift and then had homework to do.  I didn't have the car, so I was pretty much trapped in their house trying to kill time for two straight days.  Plus everyone was asking where H was and why he "just left (me) there", and it made me feel terrible.  I was already pretty upset at being left there alone two days in a row, and having everyone bring it up and realizing they noticed it sort of just brought it home, you know?  We talked about it and I think it's going to be okay, but it was just a very lonely, boring Easter weekend, for the majority of it.

    And on top of that, it looks like the vacation we were going to take with my two BILs, my SIL, and BIL's GF isn't going to happen now because of scheduling conflicts (and because one of my BILs doesn't want to go on a cruise and won't entertain the thought).  MEH.  I'm just bummed.

    Sorry for my wall 'o text :(

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Why are so many "professional" people batshitt crazy?

    I swear to goodness I am so ready to just be on our honeymoon already. Slap that dang ring on my finger and put on on the beach plezzzz.

    Those two statements are in no way shape or form connected to each other.
  • DAMNIT KRUPAR! That is not helping.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why are so many "professional" people batshitt crazy? I swear to goodness I am so ready to just be on our honeymoon already. <strong>Slap that dang ring on my finger and put on on the beach plezzzz.</strong> Those two statements are in no way shape or form connected to each other.
    Posted by Rosie109[/QUOTE]

    Hahahahaha that's how I felt the last few months before our wedding!

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Aww, I'm sorry Bay :( H did something like that to me once. We had planned a trip to Gatlinburg and the he decided he wanted to go to a bach party instead (to fix a friendship...and this guy now has nothing to do with H). I ended up going on the trip alone, but it still kinda stings.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • oh man, babestate. What a let down. :-(  I'm sorry! Reason 9, 997 I wish I lived nearer to you. I'd've picked you up and we could have gone and gotten pedicures together!
  • Thanks LVB and Manda.  :)

    Manda, that would have been fantastic.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Bay - I am sorry your weekend sucked. If it makes you feel any better, mine did, too. H was sick and didn't feel up to anything. Our friend canceled on us for Easter dinner. So both of us pretty much read and stared at the walls all weekend.
  • Sorry Manda, I just remembered!

    Bay I'm sorry. That sucks. After the first day of being gone until 1-2am did you ask him if it was going to be the same the second day?
  • Awww, MissySue :(  I'm sorry, that sucks.  I hope he's feeling better now.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning! Stacks, those pictures are super cute. And Snippy, I can't believe it's been a year!

    We had a great weekend. H had TWO WHOLE DAYS off from handball, so we slept in, cuddled, bought a new couch (it'll be delivered in a couple weeks, so excited!), hung out with friends...basically just enjoyed actually being together. Then yesterday he had handball all day, so I went shopping for winter clothes and have fun new sweaters to distract from the grey, although actually the past two days it's been sunny and gotten into the 70s in the afternoon.

    H left at 4am this morning to go to Buenos Aires for a week (for handball...anyone surprised?) so I'll miss him, but it makes it extra good that we were able to spend time together this weekend.
  • I did, MK.  He said he was going to try to get home earlier, and I know he did -- he left the city at 11:30, but there was a whole bunch of problems with the public transit (trains being taken out of service, plus he accidentally got off at the wrong stop and there were no inbound trains, so he had to walk 20 minutes to the next stop, etc.) so he didn't get back to the garage where the car was and get the car until around 1:15.  I felt bad for him for that, but I was upset because he didn't call me or text me to let me know what was going on, and I didn't want to be the nagging wife that's texting him constantly (I thought he was still with his friends) so I worried until I finally broke down at 1:45 and called him to find out if he was okay.  He said he hadn't tried to get in touch with me because he thought I was sleeping. 

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Awww, MissySue :(  I'm sorry, that sucks.  I hope he's feeling better now.
    Posted by baystateapple[/QUOTE]

    He is so so. He wasn't wheezing as much last night, so hopefully the antibiotics are kicking in some. He had to go back to work today and he is exposed to all those smells that I hope don't affect his breathing. The night before last I had to wake him up to do his inhaler b/c he was wheezing so bad.
  • Morning!

    I'm totally glassy eyed today.  I started hunger games yesterday... and had to finish it since I got so into it.  Holy good book!  Now I've started 2. Eek.  So I'm a bit tired today.

    It's try to be sunny here, but it's not doing a good job.

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  • Stacks, your kid is so cute!  

    I am sick of the rain.  My raincoat and umbrella never get a chance to dry out.The storm drains at the end of the street overflowed, and a neighborhood kitty brought us a present--a dead rat.  FI shrieked like a little girl.

    My gums hurt.  Something keeps getting stuck by my back molar, and I can't get it out.  Or I do, then it the next thing I eat irritates it.  I'm tempted to drink smoothies all day.  It really hurts, and I want to crawl off and whine somewhere.

  • Ugh.  My trusty ipod is dying before my very eyes.  This is not a good start to my Monday.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Wow Bay that sounds like a rough time for him the second night. I'm never asleep if Lucas is supposed to be home, but isn't. Even when we were long distance from Charleston to Cincinnati. I remember one night he was supposed to be off work at like 6 or something. It was almost midnight and I hadn't heard from him. When he was on base he would turn his phone off and leave it in the car because he couldn't have it on the sub (camera phone, restrictions). I finally called his friend because I knew he would have seen him at some point that day. He said Lucas had to stay to cover someone's shift so he wasn't getting off until late. I'm just a worry wart. I try not to, but sometimes it's unavoidable.
  • I can't believe you've been there for almost a year Snips!

    I have lab at the hospital this morning, then volunteer time at the shelter, then LOTS of homework, and tonight, a fundraiser for our philanthropy project for a club on campus.
  • Jill - sounds like a crazy, busy day for you.
  • BAH! There's this shop that I want to try out, but I can't think of the name and can't fidn it on google maps. This is driving me insane!
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Oh dear, it's not even 10am, and I'm fading fast. H got home at 11:30 last night, so we were up to 1:30 getting him ready for his trip and then up at 4:15...then I slept from 5-7. That is not sleep, that is two naps. I want sleep.
  • Missy, minus the fundraiser, it's a typical Monday Smile Only one more lab next week before the end of the semester.
  • Is it just a Monday thing that everyone is so tired? I feel like a zombie today. I'm even drinking a medium coffee instead of a small one. <insert guilt here> Sorry, little panda cub... I'm too tired to function without it!
  • Andy--- I have a brand new 8gb iPod touch I've been trying to get sell. Never been opened from its package. It is the 3rd generation so it doesn't have the camera or whatever. If you want, I would sell if to you for like $120 (they retail on ebay for like $180 I think). I could give it to you at the knottie GTG. (haha can you tell I'm desparate to get rid of this?) If you are looking for a bigger sized one, I can't help though, lol.
  • FI and I watched DHpart 1 on saturday night and he was in such a bad mood afterwards. He is such a sap. He cried.

    I think I will get him the books for the honeymoon so he can read them and enjoy it more.

    At least he has stopped calling Dumbledore Dumbledork.. dumbledort. and dumbledors
  • I'm exhausted. That's about all I can come up with right now.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Manda - I was thinking the same thing. It is quiet for a Monday. Maybe everyone is tired from the holiday. I dunno.

    I just didn't sleep well last night and forced myself to stay up when H left this morning. I have to continue with the packing. I am moving in 3 weeks. I am going to be sad though b/c our first anniversary is either going to be spent apart or moving.
  • Rosie, I want to like your FI, I really do, but "Dumbledork" is blasphemous. (Calling Voldemort "Voldy" on the other hand, is funny.)

    PS- I talked to the camping friends last night and apologized that I won't be able to make the first weekend. I'm officially in for the GTG!
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