Ok so here is the nitty gritty of my problem. FMIL is originally from England where the majority of her family still lives. I was very political and broke our guest lists into thirds for my parents, us and her (FI’s dad has passed away). Now I’m getting ready to start mailings and CAN NOT get her to send me the addresses that I’ve asked for multiple times. I started asking in February so I’m not expecting a weekend turn around here. I’ve emailed, called and had FI email and call (I’m west coast, she is east). FI and I are both very busy (he is at officer training for the Marines, I’m working full time and in grad school) and I am trying to get all the envelopes done during my next school break so they are ready to go. FMIL is not working, and calls her mother in England daily.
Since I only know about 10 of the 90 people she wants on our guest list, I have literally no contact information for them. I am pretty much stuck going through FMIL to get addresses. To top it off, she is certain that the majority will not even attend, she just wants them invited as to not to hurt feelings. BTW she is not contributing anything to the wedding, if that makes a difference, not even the outrageous postage to send invites across the pond.
SO, would I be totally out of line if I gave FMIL an ultimatum. Like “if I don’t have addresses by xx date they will not be invited”? Every time I ask her about them the answer is always, this weekend or tonight. But still no list….