Wedding Etiquette Forum

I haven't done a poll in a while...

1. Favorite food/meal as a child?

2. Do you have benefits through work?  What's your premium?

3. Worst quality about yourself?

4. Best quality about yourself?

5. How long have you had your current cell phone?  Do you also have a landline?

"It's shart week." -georgiabride
"This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
being healthy. blog.

Re: I haven't done a poll in a while...

  • 1. Favorite food/meal as a child?
    Shepherd's pie, and I still love it.

    2. Do you have benefits through work?  What's your premium?

    3. Worst quality about yourself?
    Anxiety. I worry about everthing, it's quiite ridiculous.

    4. Best quality about yourself?
    Good listener, loyal

    5. How long have you had your current cell phone?  Do you also have a landline?
    A year or so, and yes.
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