Wedding Etiquette Forum

Registry $$ question

What was the highest-priced item on your registry? FI and I are just starting the process, and I feel werid putting more expensive stuff on there. I know that people aren't obligated to buy it, but it still feels weird.

So, I know money questions are uncouth, but I'd love to hear from anyone who feels comfortable answering.

Re: Registry $$ question

  • Our most expensive thing is our bedset at $200. Well, the Kitchen Aid mixer is 300, but FMIL is getting that for me for Christmas, so I'm not really counting it. We figure a family member will get the bed set for us. everything else is about 100 and under.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Anonymous $ polls = okay in my book
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  • i think $150-500 is too far of a range.. Over $200 is not unusual...  over $300 I would imagine is in most circles..

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Ours is in the $200 range.  We wanted to give a range of options, especially because there is a lot of stuff we need.
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  • Yeah, it's different when it's clearly you trying to get a feel for things, vs. trying to compare things in a snarky way.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • edited December 2009
    It does seem weird, but I think a lot of times people put expensive stuff on the registry so they can get it at a discount after the wedding. But then you don't want people to think you expect them to buy it, so that's the hard part. :) H's cousin put practically every item at Crate & Barrel on her registry, including $1000+ furniture from there, and I admit I totally judged her for it.

    Edit: Our priciest item was a $250 Le Creuset pot, and much to our surprise my sister got it for us.

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    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Registry $$ question</a>:
    [QUOTE]i think $150-500 is too far of a range.. Over $200 is not unusual...  over $300 I would imagine is in most circles..
    Posted by lyndausvi[/QUOTE]

    I was thinking that, too.

    Our most expensive stuff was our cookware ($300, I think), Kitchen Aid mixer, and bedding.
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  • I just did our registry on sunday at BBB, and put a dyson ball on there, which was like $400.  I felt so weird putting it on there, so I definitely know how you feel.
  • Our highest ticket items = kitchenaid mixer (my fingers are crossed), vacuum, new set of pots, and a pillow top for our cheap-o matress.

    I didn't want to go above and beyond the first two pricey items, but FI (the one who didn't want the registry) suggested his aunts and uncles would most likely not attend the wedding (DW) and want to send a bigger ticket gift...or both. But I did feel awkward about putting them on the registry.
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  • I've been scanning Anthropologie for cute kitchen stuff (most of their stuff is ridiculously overpriced, but a few things are awesome). I saw the most beautiful bed in the world, weighing in at a mere $5k. You just KNOW somebody out there has it on their registry. Awkward.
  • Our most expensive item is like $300. It's some computer backup thing that FI added. I actually feel really bad having something that expensive on there since our wedding is so small. It feels more like I'm personally telling people to buy me expensive things I guess.

    I let him keep it on though. He's really hoping to get it. I think he may even dream about it.
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  • Our pots and pans were $399, our bed set was about $300 and we're also registered for the Kitchenaid Artisan stand mixer for $300.

  • We had a handful of stuff that was around $150-175- our knife set, vaccum, one of our more expensive pans. We registered for all of our pans individually because we didn't want anyone to fee like they needed to buy the whole set, but FMIL ended up gettting it for us anyways.
  • I just did our registry on sunday at BBB, and put a dyson ball on there, which was like $400.  I felt so weird putting it on there, so I definitely know how you feel.

    This is on our registry as well, it is our only item over $200.  However, I've purchased registry items over $200 for the last two weddings I attended (I was a BM and MOH respectively though and FI and I both attended).
  • We have a super expensive item on our registry (a buffet for our kitchen)- but we only put it on there because we will get 20% off after the wedding... I really hope nobody thinks we actually expect anybody to buy it! 
  • I'm tempted to add furniture to our registry at C&B, but only because we want the discount after the wedding.  I would never expect anyone to buy us a couch, but we'll need a lot of furniture for our new apartment & that discount adds up.  However, I do worry that people like beatlegirl will judge me!

    I want the kitchenaid mixer, but I don't think there will be anything more expensive than that.
  • We didn't have a registry... I have no clue what the most expensive thing we were given was!
  • I had pots and pans over 500 bucks on there, but my mom went with me, and MADE me put it on, saying she was purchasing them for us for our birthdays/Christmas combined. Why we needed to put it on the registry is beyond me. The only other expensive thing was our knives, for 299, and we figured all my BM's would go in (6 of them) and get the one big item, or they would each get something separate. It wasn't bought for the shower from the BM's so we went and purchased them so no one thought we expected them to get us that as a gift. 1 or 2 big gift items I think are OK because I know my mom wanted to get something big for us, and if you have a bridal party... they may want to all go in on a gift.
  • My sheet set is $179 and I also had a KitchenAid Mixer, $300, on my registry, however after a comment from FI's mom about the really expensive item on my registry I took it off.

    I really didn't expect anyone to buy it for me on their own, however some of my friends tend to go "in" on gifts together and of course I really want it (i'm a bakaholic).

    As for adding stuff to your registry to get the discount, I'll prob do this but not until a day or two before the wedding, I obvious care what the family thinks LOL and don't want to look like i'm expecting huge gifts (his family is like that)
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