My fiance and I recently decided to have a "real" wedding, we orginally just the two of us wanted to go away and be just us, but now decided to have the wedding and reception at home, but keep it small and initimate. I am very close to all of my fiance's cousins and they're all older, my aunts, uncles, and cousins on the other hand I have not seen in years (and have no desire to see at my wedding), cousins on my side are also all pre-teen to teenagers. I would still like to invite my aunts and uncles out of respect, but how do I make it clear I do not want and children and their girlfriend/boyfriend flavor of the week?
We want to keep the reception small for the intimacy reason but also because the budget just plan doesn't allow an extra 25 teenagers. Would it be okay to have the invite say "No children please"? Do you think they would get the hint? Advice would be much appreciated!