Wedding Etiquette Forum

Pet peeves?

I was on the train to work today and the train was so packed, my face was like 3 inches from this one girl's hand on the railing. 

She had nail tips that were so overgrown, most of her nail was showing. The tips were like an inch long, and bent, and underneath you could see that she has been wearing them long enough for her nails to be fully covering the bottom.  I also noticed that her skin under her nails was somewhat pulled out.... the whole look - NASTY as hell!!!  I hate nasty sh*t like this... why don't people take care of themselves?

So what are your pet peeves? Mine are:

1. broken, chipped, or overgrown tips and nail polish
2. greesy hair
3. (somewhat different) incompetence of the customer service workers at various offices
4. not picking up your dog's poop
5. letting your dog run up to mine to sniff and bark at him even when I obviously am trying to avoid their contact

Re: Pet peeves?

  • JK10910JK10910 member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2009
    1.  My cat's newfound realization that she can open cabinet doors.  This is not good for our toilet paper or tupperware.  (The chemical/cleaning stuff cabinets already have baby locks on them, thank god.)
    2.  My FI's boss, per usual.
    3.  The ice outside that is making me not want to go workout because people will have forgotten how to drive in the snow/ice and my car isn't a fan either.

    ETA:  I guess mine is more "things that are irritating me" than pet peeves.  Sorry.
  • I have a co-worker who substitues the words 'another' and 'new' with 'next'.  It drives me crazy.

    Example: Instead of saying "I will be giving another speech at the snorkel spot'.  He says "I will be giving a next speech at the snorkel spot'.  Or if he needs to change his shirt he says "I have a next shirt".

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • 1.  people quoting movies or tv shows.  It's irritating.  Anyone surprised?  no.  didn't think so.

    2.  People who discuss their sex lives on the internet.  Again.  Surprised?

    3.  Vague, thinly veiled attacks on people that turn into "Oh, lighten up, I wasn't talking about you."  Balls.  You need 'em. 

    4.  My Project Manager who is an arse who watches the clock and comments when I leave at 5:05.  Really?  I'm done at 5, didn't take a lunch and I don't giveashit what you think.

    5.  The Riders apparent inability to count to 12.  Or past 12.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I have a new one as of last night...

    Men who wear loose fitting running shorts to hot yoga class. No sir, I did NOT want to see your balls while you were in standing bow. Thanks for the vom.
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  • Ew, Salt.  Ew.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • people who wear sunglasses indoors

    people who text/email/use the crackberry in general at the dinner table.

    people who carry on a ten minute phone conversation with that isn't urgent with someone when its just you and them in a car.  No, can I please sit here bored and listen to half a conversation that doesn't involve me?  Can I?

    People who wear socks with sandals.

    People who don't board first on a plane, but still crowd around the gate creating a roadblock for everyone involved and slowing down the whole proccess.  The plane isn't leaving without you Buddy, I promise.  Back the f*ck up.

    Fashion victims.  You with the uggs, tights, menswear vest and sequined tee.  I'm talking to you.   One trend at a time. 


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • people who use "I need" instead of "I want".
    You don't NEED a big flashy christmas gift, or the latest in technology for your 10 year old. You WANT.
  • People who avoid or ignore direct questions.  Or take too long to answer a direct question.  H does this.  I could ask him what kind of pants he's wearing and it'll take him 5 minutes to answer.  At which point he'll say, "Blue."  Blue is NOT a kind of pant.  Seriously.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • People who correct someone if they misprounce a word in conversation.  GOD I can't stand that.  Get over yourself, you smug pr*ck. You don't look smart, you look like a jerk.   Having it done to me or just hearing someone do it to someone else makes me want to jab a fork in the persons eyeballs. 


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • Ha, I hate socks with sandals too...

    Sorry for your experience, Salt.  It reminded me:

    Men wearing sandals pre-pedicure - I know you are a guy and pedicure is girly, but if you believe so, stop wearing sandals. I hate feet altogether, actually, but men's feet can get nasty
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Pet peeves?</a>:
    [QUOTE]People who avoid or ignore direct questions.  Or take too long to answer a direct question.  H does this.  I could ask him what kind of pants he's wearing and it'll take him 5 minutes to answer.  At which point he'll say, "Blue."  Blue is NOT a kind of pant.  Seriously.
    Posted by wadingmoose[/QUOTE]

    Good lord, I think you married my FI.  The best is when I don't get an answer to the question, and I repeat it, and he says "Yeah, I heard you."  Well then answer it, you goof, I asked for a reason and it's not a trick question.
  • Ah, you feel my pain JK :)  I get that he just doesn't think like me at all, but I'm starting to feel like I need to carefully phrase my questions so that he can't find an completely irrelevant way to answer.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Pet peeves?</a>:
    [QUOTE]People who avoid or ignore direct questions.  Or take too long to answer a direct question.  H does this.  I could ask him what kind of pants he's wearing and it'll take him 5 minutes to answer. 
    Posted by wadingmoose[/QUOTE]

    FI does this all the time.  It is so annoying.  He's just a slow answerer. 

    Also, what are the Riders and why can't they count to 12 (or past it)?
  • HA, it must be something with men altogether. FI always sits there, stares into the space and after a minute of staring asks: is this a trick question? 
  • bbycakes, they're a canadian football team.

    They lost the Grey Cup last weekend because they had too many men on the field during a last minute field goal attempt by Montreal that was missed.  Penalty... 10 yards and another field goal attempt.  Shockingly, given a second, closer try, Montreal was able to make the kick and win.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Oh, or when I ask a question like "What's so funny?" when he's looking at the computer and laughing, and I get the answer "the internet" or "something" or "nothing."  Really FI? 
  • Ugh, yep, H does that too.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • My god, I thought my FI was the only one that did that J and Moose!  It drives me absolutely batty.  It's worse when he does it on the phone.
    "Are you working overtime or not tonight?"  *long silence*  "Hello, you still there?"
    "Yeah, why?"
    "Well, I asked you a question, are you going to answer me?"
    "Yeah, no, not working overtime, I heard you the first time"

    If you know the answer to the effing question, just say it, why take a long unnatural pause.  The suspense is not cool.

    My other pet peeve, people who won't do what their job entails.  If you're the on-call person, that means you're supposed to be ON-CALL.  Be available to cover a shift, and do it.  Even if you hate the job.  I don't like it either, but I hate getting nailed with a double shift cause you won't come in.  And such behavior doesn't make me very willing to switch hours so you can go to Mexico.

  • Ha, Mocha, FI did that on the phone when were LDR all the time (usually because he was busy playing video games and half listening, there's another pet peeve ;) ).  Long pause, then I'd say "Um, hello?"  and he'd go "Yeah, what?  I'm still here!"  all indignant.  Well then say something!  Once he actually said "Oh, I didn't realize you wanted me to answer now."  You're right, FI.  I wanted you to think long and hard and call me back in an hour with the simple yes or no answer.  Good call.

    Boy I'm glad the LDR days are over. 
  • Did you notice that men sometimes just don't hear stuff?  Sometimes when i do dishes I ask him: hey is there anything on the table that needs washing?  silence... I am done, dry my hands and walk into the living room to find two cups on the table... ask FI about it, he did not hear my question...
  • I think they tune us out.  I know that I tune FI out.  It's like, he starts talking and all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher's voice.  "Whuah whuah whuah whuah?"  Uh????

    Makes sense now Moose, thanks.
  • I have to share this story now.

    FI tends to just lose interest in conversation (no matter with whom, no matter what it's about) after a couple minutes, and he LOOKS like he's listening, but his mind is wandering.  Then at the end of the conversation he either gives a generic "Yeah" or "OK" response, or just makes it obvious he has no idea what you're talking about.

    So a few weeks ago, he was talking about his dad, and he's like "Sometimes, I feel like I'm talking to him and in the middle of what I'm saying he just stops listening and has no idea what I'm talking about anymore!  It's SO annoying."

    Then he gets this look on his face like the lightbulb just went off.  And he looks at me and says, "Oh my god, that's what I do, isn't it?  Oh my god, I'm just like my dad!  Oh my god, no wonder you get mad!  Oh my god!"

    I still laugh thinking about it.  I'm laughing right now.
  • My pet peeves:

    Uggs in general, but Uggs with a miniskirt in 100 degree weather is the worst.

    People who can't seem to close the microwave door after they take their food out. Seriously, is it that hard to shut the door?

    "Ax" instead of "ask".   *shudder*

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  • Uggs with a mini skirt when it's 10 degrees and there's snow is even worse.
  • Hah! Yes, that does sound worse. :P
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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