Ok, so I have a bit of a dilemma on how to best have my Grandpa(who's wife is deceased) and my Godparents be recogonized as important persons to me. The seating in the front row of the wedding will be (from outside to isle) Godfather, Godmother, Grandpa, Mother, and Father. I would like to have them come in and be seated after all the other guests, but my mother and I can't agree on the best way to do this. My mom thinks we should have my Godmother be escorted in, with her husband and my Grandpa following behind. I fear this will make it appear that she has 2 husbands or something wierd. I was thinking either all three can just walk to their seats just before the escorts start walking with the moms, or the Godparents can seat themselves and then an escort can just walk next to my Grandpa as he goes to his seat.
Thoughts? We are totally open to ideas here, just don't want to commit a total faux pas! And of course, the wedding is a week from today, so I'm in panic mode anyway!!