Wedding Etiquette Forum

Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD

So...thanks to Shannyn and Anna, and my sincere need of fashion assistance, I'm bustin' out some OOTD. Now that we're out of cold weather clothes (most of us at least, sorry Canadians) we should have some more stuff to show off - YAY!

I got this dress at Ross like 2 months ago and haven't worn it - but it was $15 and I was excited. I really need some new black sandals.

Now, please post pictures so I don't feel like a total freak.

Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD

  • My dress is from Target, from the Tucker collaboration line. I love dress weather!
  • That is a super cute dress LDY!

    I'm in jeans and a t-shirt, so I'm not playing today.

    I desperately need to go clothes shopping.
  • Super cute dresses ladies!!! Not on break yet so here is my shoes. Will be right back with outfit! :)

    Shoes from Ross for like $15!!
  • Love your dress LDY!  I need to have more dresses. And skirts. And cute clothes in general.
  • Oh so cute LD!!!  I wish I had my camera.  The warm weather is thinking about coming... and now that I finally got my legs waxed (I know, TMI) maybe I can wear dresses again. 

    Anna, I love that dress too!!!!!!!
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  • oh, LD!  You should consider adding a belt to that dress. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]So...thanks to Shannyn and Anna, and my sincere need of fashion assistance, I'm bustin' out some OOTD. Now that we're out of cold weather clothes (most of us at least, sorry Canadians <strong>and Emily who is just now heading into winter</strong>) we should have some more stuff to show off - YAY! I got this dress at Ross like 2 months ago and haven't worn it - but it was $15 and I was excited. I really need some new black sandals. Now, please post pictures so I don't feel like a total freak.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    I fixed it for you. I refuse to post a picture of my boots, leggings and sweater. Yesterday I bought new sweaters and a new coat, so hopefully I don't freeze this year. I hate winter.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]oh, LD!  You should consider adding a belt to that dress. 
    Posted by Habs2Hart[/QUOTE]

    Mhm. Black patent. 

    I will begin playing tomorrow, though I don't get to dress super cute at work. 
  • I'll OOTD when it's actually warm here and not raining.  :)  So give me like 2 weeks. 
  • Whups, sorry Em! I forgot you live south of the Equator and all that jazz.

    I need to come up with a black belt. It's on my shopping list now. Thanks ladies =)
  • I know you guys had to see me wearing tank tops while you were buried in snow, but there are more of you. You could band together for support. There is just one of me, and I am going to be so jealous for the next few months.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'll OOTD when it's actually warm here and not raining.  :)  So give me like 2 weeks. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]


    Actually, in 4 weeks, I start my internship, so I have to dress up. *Happy Dance*
    I'll probably be in suits a lot though. I'll look all grown up and stuff.
  • Em, sorry, but I refuse to believe that your winter is anywhere near as bas as most of the rest of us in the great white north. :)

    POST YOUR SWEATERS otherwise, I won't believe that it's cold there.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a9a95790-5543-4d23-8e2e-b1cbf863bf33Post:06bfaf2b-41ef-4453-8983-b1ab1335d870">Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]I know you guys had to see me wearing tank tops while you were buried in snow, but there are more of you. You could band together for support. There is just one of me, and I am going to be so jealous for the next few months.
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    Don't worry.  For all I know, it could be still snowing here in June.  It's been known to happen.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD : Don't worry.  For all I know, it could be still snowing here in June.  It's been known to happen.
    Posted by Habs2Hart[/QUOTE]

    That's just not okay.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Warm Weather Clothes! OOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]Em, sorry, but I refuse to believe that your winter is anywhere near as bas as most of the rest of us in the great white north. :) POST YOUR SWEATERS otherwise, I won't believe that it's cold there.
    Posted by Snippylynn[/QUOTE]

    Let me first say that I am from California and am a wimp about cold weather. BUT. A friend here is from Edmonton, where it's -30F in winter, and she says Santiago is worse. It's not as cold, and there's no snow, but most places don't have central heating, so there's just this damp cold that lasts for months and gets in your bones and makes you clothes feel damp when you put them on. It's just sort of whiny-making.

    I will go take a picture of my sweater just for you, although I think it's actually gotten warm this afternoon, but it was 47F when I took Lola out.

  • Wow... hopefully we can continue doing this to encourage me to not look like a bum most days!! :)
  • I'm quite certain you guys would LOVE my khakis and hot pink school tee. Being a student, I don't think I'm ever dressed nicely enough to post in OOTD, but I love seeing everyone's clothes
  • I love everyone's outfits I am so wearing a dress tomorrow!! :)

  • LDY. I like your dress.

    However, I'm now freezing looking at it. I need another sweater or something. We haven't broken 60 today. Or in several weeks. One day, last month, we did get close to 90. One day.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • I wanna play! After I get dressed, I'm posting a picture.
  • Em, that's super cute.  47?  Dude.  That's spring here.  :D  But I do understand. Winter in Italy was like that-- though there is heat.

    Everyone looks cuuuute!
  • I know, the number is nothing impressive. But trust me, when you wake up with a cold nose and can see your breath in your bedroom, it feels colder.
  • I would love for it to be resurrected! I loved looking at everyone's outfits and this time I will participate. It might actually help me keep on track with my weight goals and put and effort in to my look in the mornings!
  • I am so horrible about matching you guys are going to die. Maybe tomorrow I will take a picture.
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