We sent out an invitation addressed to my fiance's Aunt, Uncle and their son & daughter. We knew full & well that the son wouldn't be able to make it, due to being deployed in Japan, but to be nice, we still felt his name should go onto the invite. Well, they took it upon themselves to RSVP their son's 19 year old EX-fiance, which is also their daughter's best friend, in his place. We had a feeling this would happen, especially since we sent out the invites right before X-mas and they brought this girl over to X-mas dinner w/ our family....still not telling anyone. And in the 5 hours she was there w/ us, she didn't speak one word to us.....yet they're inviting her to our wedding?!?
Well feel this is just rude, but how do we go about saying "no" in a nice way? We know they consider her a part of their little family, but we don't consider her a part of our's. We feel the only way to say it is something like: "We feel you may have misunderstood our invitation, but if your son is unable to attend, we'd like to invite another family member that we were unable to originally invite due to size/space limitations, and we hope you understand."
Any advice????