Ok, this happened last weekend, but I've been sick all week, so I'm just getting around to posting. We had a freaking blast! We went to Beale St. in Memphis, had some kick ass ribs and people watched at Coyote Ugly (what an experience!). The next day, we worked at a large bridal show that TK and The Wedding Channel sponsored. Whit worked TK and I worked TWC. It was the most random ass thing; they didn't give us all of our signs or really anything to give away...except for probably 500 TK magazines and buttons that say "I'm the bride!!!".
Overall, it was SO FUN! My big impression of Whit? She's TINY! As in 5'1. Oh, and her H? Super sweet when I was there! Totally not what I was expecting. AND, I was at the hotel she worked at and an Indian family (groom's side) rented out the entire hotel for an Indian wedding. What a site to see. We got to see all the women parading down in their Saris and everything. So cool.
"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs