Wedding Etiquette Forum

Delayed reaction?

Is anyone else having issues with your posts not showing up for like 3 minutes after you hit post? I've like triple posted a few times thinking I hit cancel instead of post, then randomly they all show up. Hmmm.

Also, a poll, because I'm still smitten with this function.

Edit: I'm not actually sure that my favorite chinese place delivers (haven't lived here long enough to need delivery), hence the going in option. I guess I should call and ask.
Leo says hi. He's...special.

Re: Delayed reaction?

  • anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    Eighth Anniversary 10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2009
    i've been having the same problem myself with posts.

    Efit: This took a full minute to show up
  • I've been having that problem, too.  I replied twice to one thread and ended deleting the second reply when the first finally showed up.
  • This has happened to me as well. 
  • Yes, it's annoying!
  • Yes  !!!  It's quite annoying.  Actually I saw this post title, I replied to another post and it took a while for this one to pop back up again.  I thought I was losing my mind.


    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I thought I was going crazy too. Actually after the last time I checked this, I read 6 posts, then went back to the board, and it still said it only had 2 posts. It's making me crazy. I hope they fix it. Maybe I'll go get my Chinese and wait it out. Apparently I decided on Chinese. I'm fat :( and it's my fault. Oh well. Chinese makes me happy.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Chinese is making me nauseous right now, so I voted for subway.

    Yep, my posts have been delayed so I've been double posting and making comments that are no longer timely. It's annoying.
  • I voted Subway just because chinese food is dead to me.  (I had a  really bad food poisoning from it about five years ago and havent touched it once since.

    Besides, with Chinese food you'll feel all gross and bloated from all the grease and massive amounts of sodium when you're done.  Get subway and feel full and not-like-dying. 


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • Guys you are not helping my dinner decision. Look how close it is! I thought I had decided on Chinese delivery, but now I can't decide again. PS I love how many people are voting for my dinner.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • I keep having to go into "chat" and the knot boards again then back to this board to get everything to load.
  • I voted Subway because I am in full wedding diet mode and I'm jealous of anyone who can eat fun food and not have to worry about fitting into their wedding dress.  I'll probably be having Subway as well since FI is out of town and I am too lazy to cook for just myself.
  • Ohhh, and I'm actually not having any TK issues for a change.  ::knocks on wood::
  • Even the smell of Subway makes me want to vom.  Always has.
  • The polls can officially close. I just ordered Chinese :P If I do yoga later would that help at all?

    PS: Food suggestion that sounds disgusting but tastes phenomenal: crab rangoon dipped in raspberry jalopeno jelly. Mmmm.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • The polls can officially close. I just ordered Chinese :P If I do yoga later would that help at all?

    Totally!  I'm going to hurt you if you mention crab rangoon again though.
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