Wedding Etiquette Forum

WTF for medical fraud

Money conversions:
75 million SEK-- $10.5 million
500,000 SEK= $70,000
220,000 SEK= $31,000

Two and a half years.  Two and a half!!! That's ridiculous.

Re: WTF for medical fraud

  • Amoro your signature made me think, I was actually thinking about honeymoon activity registration! My fiance and I both had homes of our own and basically have all of the household items needed and I would never request gift cards, money or honeymoon accomodation donations but I honestly thought people would enjoy sending us on a fun day activity or to get a massage, apparently not. Oops
  • I once called Walmart and told them where one of their "hurt on the job" employees was currently working.  The girl supposedly hurt her wrist checking out a customer at walmart but then said she was too emotionally stressed about it to even work the door as a greeter.  So she cleaned apartments (a physically demanding job) and collected her disability. 

    It felt good to call that stupid b*tch in.......the same day we fired her thieving maintenance man husband when we found an entire empty apartment full of stolen things they ordered through our rental company for their new house they were building. 

    Apparently they were a great fit for one another. 
  • Similar to Stacks' story- my H works at Lowe's and apparently their Loss Prevention guy left for a new job, so nobody is authorized to stops thieves now. Yesterday a group of three people (all together) stole $1K worth of stuff. My H said one lady had a prosthetic leg that she smuggled a drill out of the store in (from my H's mouth, who knows how true that is). I guess one of the employees saw them all leave with merchandise, but they can't do anything about it. The other Lowe's in town has two LP people, so I don't know why they don't just send one over.

  • Holy crap! That's crazy stories from both of you! GB, they should definitely look into hiring someone stat, or borrowing someone from the other store. Crazy.

    Shana, I've seen all of two posts by you today, and each time you were talking about honeymoon registry's.  What is your deal?  Do you want to read my tirade on them?  Cause if you do, it's posted at least a few times on the Honeymoon board.
  • I will read it. I have no deal with it just that I had just commented on it and then read your sig and thought it was funny. It's just something my FI and I thought was a good idea but apparently not everyone does.
  • Shana, people might buy stuff off a HM registry and all, but they'll be talking about you behind your back and side-eyeing you for it. I would anyway. There was one posted yesterday that was ridiculous.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:acc883c6-8b3a-4353-aa1a-d5cf4b067f03Post:b94ffa3a-e0c3-4cfe-ba73-4fb46e958135">Re: WTF for medical fraud</a>:
    [QUOTE]I will read it. I have no deal with it just that I had just commented on it and then read your sig and thought it was funny. It's just something my FI and I thought was a good idea but apparently not everyone does.
    Posted by ShanaFry[/QUOTE]

    I hadn't even heard of honeymoon registries until my MIL said something about them. I think they are a great idea, but only if someone offers! Sometimes, people ask "what do you want?" They have websites set up for family members to add ammenities to your honeymoon, it's kinda cool!
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  • Here you go, I'll bring it here to make it easier:

    Yes, I'm against honeymoon registries, but because I'm against them, that means I shouldn't post a response to people asking about them?  I give a perspective that is BOUND to be shared by at least someone out there.  Or, are we all supposed to conform to the new bridezilla slogan of IT'S YOUR DAY DO WHAT YOU WANT while breathing fire and demanding that all of our BM's be fembots who look exactly the same, or that you should go into massive debt for your wedding OR honeymoon. 

    If we all start thinking, "Hey!  It's awesome to beg for money from people." by the time our kids grow up, it's going to be a pain in the ass.  I think wedding hazes are easy to get into, where all you see is your money getting drained away for a party, and think it's perfectly okay for your guests to shed some into it.

    Now, do I think it's okay if culturally, your group or family gives money?  Sure.  Why?  Because that is what is *expected* and not *demanded*  Therein lies the big difference.

    People say, "Oh, what's the big deal, it's the same as asking for gifts." But it's not.  Registries were invented to help a young couple get a good start in life.  Much in the same way that the women of a household would work for months on an engaged woman's trousseau- so that she would go into the marriage with new gowns, bed linens, etc.  As times changed, and people stopped sewing, and the availability of manufactured goods became higher, registries were done so that young couples could start off in life with items that became heirlooms and part of family traditions. 

    This brings us to the argument that I've already stated-- times have changed.  People these days get married older, after they have been established.  Good for us all!  But when you bought your sheets, did you get some that were a nice, high quality?  Or how about that KitchenAid stand mixer that you've wanted, but just couldn't afford?  What about a beautiful set of china or high quality knives or pots and pans that will literally last you a lifetime?  Are we so focused only on the here and now, and such a souless, cash society that all we think we need is money?  There ARE more important things.  And while times have changed, and lifestyle has changed, please forgive me if I feel that one old tradition- that of asking for money is tacky-- should never be forgotten.

    Here's the thing.  You want money, fine, but don't ask for it.  Weddings are traditionally gift-giving events.  However, you should never imply that you want one though.  Having the "stuff" registry is for the shower- not the wedding.  Showers= gifts, since that's the whole purpose of them, to shower the bride with gifts. 

    Honestly, my H and I were older and established before we got married too, and you know what we had when we put our stuff together?  A bunch of crap.  Crappy knives, old pots and pans, cheap towels, hand me down plastic dishes.  If you truly have every lovely thing you could ever imagine- great.  Then don't register, but don't go for a honeymoon registry either.
  • Oh Amoro you make me giggle, you get really bent out of shape on this subject. I was simply laughing at myself when I read your signature, no need to  get your panties all crinkled. You're right when you say the shower is for the gifts but who are we kidding, people want to give you gifts at the wedding! I'm not saying that we won't register for household items but I feel bad for my poor fiance who will not reap the benefits. He is planning the Honeymoon in it's entirety and we just thought his family and friends would enjoy getting something for us that he could also enjoy, and trust me he will not enjoy a mixer. But really you get very angry very quickly. I'm sure your wedding was nothing but pure elegance and proper etiquette, I guess the rest of us have a thing or two to learn.
  • YA amaro!  Don't get your panties crinkled!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: WTF for medical fraud</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh Amoro you make me giggle, you get really bent out of shape on this subject. I was simply laughing at myself when I read your signature, no need to  get your panties all crinkled. You're right when you say the shower is for the gifts but who are we kidding, people want to give you gifts at the wedding! I'm not saying that we won't register for household items but I feel bad for my poor fiance who will not reap the benefits. He is planning the Honeymoon in it's entirety and we just thought his family and friends would enjoy getting something for us that he could also enjoy, and trust me he will not enjoy a mixer. But really you get very angry very quickly. I'm sure your wedding was nothing but pure elegance and proper etiquette, I guess the rest of us have a thing or two to learn.
    Posted by ShanaFry[/QUOTE]

    I wanna pat you on your head.......Amoro was nowhere near crinkled panties!  :)
  • I did have to check them though Stacks.  Shana, that was actually a well thought out response and I was nowhere near angry when I wrote that.  If I were, well, there would have been a lot more swearing.

    No, my wedding was not a bunch of proper etiquette, but I sure as hell didn't run around begging for money to pay for a vacation that 95% of my guests couldn't afford either.  What my guests do remember is that they were given a great meal, were able to spend a lot of time with us, and had fun.  That's really all it's about. 
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