Wedding Etiquette Forum

Dining Out Poll

How many times per week do you eat outside the home?  (Including fast food, pizza, whatever... anything you don't cook yourself)
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Re: Dining Out Poll

  • too much.. i need to stop
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  • Ugh, this is actually a fight that H and I have. I enjoy spending money on eating out and he sees it as a waste.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • We're trying to get better at this, but it's hard when we live about 2 blocks from a bar/grill.  It's just too convenient sometimes especially when I don't know what to cook.
  • We've eaten out a lot this past week. I've been putting off going to the grocery store and just generally being lazy. And my dad was in town one night this week and wanted to go eat at a specific place.

    In a normal for me, non lazy period (and after a trip to the grocery store) I can go for weeks without eating out.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I said 2-4 but now that I think about it, that's just dinners. I eat lunches out too often too. We really need to cut back. We went to Sams and got all sorts of food, but by the time I get home I just want to chill. I'm normally not in the mood to cook.
  • Yeah, we eat out way too much.  I almost never bring a lunch to work, so that alone is 4-5 x/week.  Then we go out to dinner every Sat night and most Fri nights, plus breakfast either Sat or Sun.  Annnd... an ocassional dinner out during the week, too.  I hate cooking.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Once a day. :shame:
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  • During golf season, it's out of control.

    In the winter it's better.

    During the week we do all right, but Thursday-Sunday we eat out a lot.

    Who am I kidding. we just eat out a lot.
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  • We eat out a ton. When I get home from work, all I want to do is rest. I need to pull out the crock pot and get that going.
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  • FI and I eat out all.the.time.  I stopped for a little bit when I was trying to lose some weight.  I saved a ton of money.  I have credit card bills at Panera in the range of over $100 a month.  And that's just a place I go to for lunch.

    In general, I'm all about convenience though, and I hate cooking.
  • I voted on 2-4, mostly breakfast or lunch.
  • Once a week regularly.  Sometimes we'll go out for dinner for a date night, but usually it's just once.  I don't eat fast food unless I'm driving and starving and have no time, and then I usually try to find a subway or something.  Fast food just does not agree with my system.  Although I really enjoy the taste of a good ol' quarter pounder, I always regret it after. 
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  • I voted 0-1. We go out pretty much only for special occasions, and sometimes when FI comes home for the weekend, we'll go out with his sisters/ with a friend. But we really try not to. Although it is probably my #1 favourite thing to do. I. LOVE. Going out for food. Especially sit-down restaurants. LOVE. LOOOOVE.
  • I eat out for lunch 4 days per week (work), but if we're discounting that, we eat out for dinner 2-3 times per week.  I'm trying to cut back, but it's hard.  Maybe when we move it'll change, but here, the dining area is so small, and there are so many great restaurants around.
  • We usually only eat out about twice a week. We eat lunch at Chipotle pretty much every weekend without fail, and regularly eat out with friends either Friday or Saturday night. I cook pretty much all other meals and usually we both bring lunches to work, though I think he does get lunch at work every once in a while. We do spend an embarassing amount on groceries though.
  • I honestly can not imagine not going out to eat at least once a week.  Growing up, we always went out to eat on Saturday night.  ALWAYS.  My SIL had us over for dinner last weekend and I felt so sad to be sitting at home eating home cooked food.  I'm so ungrateful.  lol
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm trying to stop so I can save more money for the wedding... but I'm going out to lunch with a BM today, lol 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ad68e239-e57b-4292-b2fe-c4b0740987afPost:925d66be-7aaf-42e7-8c41-e3e1fc8f25e9">Re: Dining Out Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]I eat out for lunch 4 days per week (work), but if we're discounting that, we eat out for dinner 2-3 times per week.  I'm trying to cut back, but it's hard.  Maybe when we move it'll change, but here, the dining area is so small, and there are so many great restaurants around.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    oh right, mica. 

    the dining area is too small?  that's a new excuse  :P
  • Way too much and we have been cutting down! Usually on the weekends and probably at least once a week for dinners and once a week for lunches. I carpool to work, but if I have to drive alone I never bring a lunch so I always eat out. It is a problem.
  • I usually buy my lunch once a week.  Every now and then we have dinner out with friends.  I'd say once a month. 

    If we're traveling to visit his family or mine, then that's a different story (obvies).  I am not that hardcore that I pack a lunch.  ALthough I really should. 

    And I'd say about once a month H and I go out to eat, just us.  And in this new house (been in it since june) we've had pizza delivered probably 3 times.  Tops. 

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ad68e239-e57b-4292-b2fe-c4b0740987afPost:46c48665-ad42-4757-92e9-7952ae2ad5b2">Re: Dining Out Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]We used to go out for dinner 2-3 times a week and now we only go once a week, if that. We each go out for lunch about once a week and bring stuff form home the other days. <strong>Menu planning is one of the things that helped us cut back.
    </strong>Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    We did this once and it was the best thing, but my H thinks that it took too much thought and shopping. I know if I really pushed, we could do it more.
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  • H and I have tried menu planning, but when we say we want Porkchops on wednesday night and then wednesday night rolls around we don't want porkchops we mess it all up. GRR.
  • I said 5-7.  We're better than we used to be, actually... that's including lunch the days I forget to bring something (three or so a week), and we'll usually order one night during the week and go out for a meal or two on the weekend.

    It's probably more for FI; I don't think he ever brings his lunch.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ad68e239-e57b-4292-b2fe-c4b0740987afPost:d6764a26-2505-4180-94be-708587d7ac1a">Re: Dining Out Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]H and I have tried menu planning, but when we say we want Porkchops on wednesday night and then wednesday night rolls around we don't want porkchops we mess it all up. GRR.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    Ha, this is exactly what happens to us.  We DO menu plan and grocery shop... and still end up going out. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • edited April 2011
    I buy lunch in our cafeteria a couple of times a week, and might pick up something on the way home once or twice during the week. Then John and I really only have the weekends together, so we'll go out for dinner usually Saturday and Sunday, unless it's a time we're (ETA) super budget-watching.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dining Out Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Dining Out Poll : Ha, this is exactly what happens to us.  We DO menu plan and grocery shop... and still end up going out. 
    Posted by RobotLegs[/QUOTE]

    I'm so glad we're not the only ones! We try so had. We write the daily menu out all the way down to our sides and spices we might need and everything, and then the days roll around and we're like "yeah, I dont want that...want french fries. we go for french friez now?" I need to get better about it.

    H is weird though - he won't eat something if he's not in the mood for it. So if porkchops is on the menu and he's not feeling porkchops, he won't eat it, so I won't make it. He's a pain.
  • We eat takeout probably two nights a week.  We have to cut back.

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  • We have activities every weeknight. Sometimes I hate it, but then I remember that I really like doing all of these things.

    I try to cook over the weekend so that we can have leftovers all week. More often than not, it doesn't happen. So we probably go out for sandwiches before our activities 3-4 nights a week. At least once a week I'll forget lunch or something too. And we go out to a nicer dinner once in a blue moon. It adds up, but we don't spend money on much else really, so it's not a huge deal.
  • I think that if you enjoy cooking and have a pretty stocked pantry you're set. 
    I always end up eating a lot of the same things though.  Which to some might not work.  But, I'm always cooking for one.  SO I'll do pita pizza once a week.  I'll do veggie paninis.

    I basically buy the same groceries every week and eat them in pasta, pita pizza, rice or panini format.  and then the nights that H is home (two) we will try something new.  or something we don't have often.  like steak or ribs or something.

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dining Out Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Dining Out Poll : I'm so glad we're not the only ones! We try so had. We write the daily menu out all the way down to our sides and spices we might need and everything, and then the days roll around and we're like "yeah, I dont want that...want french fries. we go for french friez now?" I need to get better about it. H is weird though - <strong>he won't eat something if he's not in the mood for it.</strong> So if porkchops is on the menu and he's not feeling porkchops, he won't eat it, so I won't make it. He's a pain.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    <div>FI is the same way.  Growing up, we planned out the menu for the week.  I try to do that now, and he suddenly doesn't want to eat something he agreed to.  It's not like I make the menu without consulting him, either.  </div><div>
    </div><div>We eat out too much.  FI works weird hours, and his company has a thing where they'll pay up to $30 toward dinner if he works more than eleven hours.  There are some weeks when he works that (or more) every day, and other weeks when he works normal shifts.  So, we don't have to pay for the food, but we still need to cut back.  It's making us quite chunky.</div>
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