Wedding Etiquette Forum

Dining Out Poll


Re: Dining Out Poll

  • I don't eat out much for dinner, but I'm really lazy when it comes to packing a lunch so I often just run to Mr. Sub or wherever. I should get better at making lunch so I can save more $$ and it's definitely healthier.

    FI go out for dinner maybe once a week.
  • We also try to menu plan but don't end up wanting what we planned on that day.  Also, menu planning kind of intimidates me.  Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, but it seems like everything I want to make I need new ingredients for and then searching for recipes that use my current ingredients is kind of overwhelming.  I've tried a few times and just get discouraged by Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • Gator lady - I think I'd just tell him to shove it.  If it's good food that he'd eat normally and not just cause he wasn't being  a picky baby, he eats it.  Or he eats cereal for dinner. 

    I'm bitchy that way though. 

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  •  When I was saving for the wedding, I literally went out for lunch 4 times for all of 2010.  I was so proud of myself.

    As for dinners, it depends.  I love trying new restaurants in the city, but lately, I've also been saving money.  This month it has maybe been eating out 1-2x a week (on the weekends)

    This is going to sound lame, but on Fridays we make out own take out food.  We make our own pizza (from scratch), tacos, chinese food, etc.  It's a nice way to spend time together, save money, and calories, too.

  • It used to be 5-7x a week, but I've gotten better about going out, and now it's more like 2x (one lunch at work and one pizza at home).  DH isn't big on dinner, or restaurants, so we've really cut back.
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  • Mandy, I need to tell him to shove it, but often when he doesn't want what's planned, he suggests delicious things like french fries. I just can't make myself turn french fries down, I JUST CANT.

    H needs to grow up though.
  • Embarassed I'm the one who is always like "Eh, I don't waaaant that tonight."

    Spoiled brat, party of me.
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    I do that too sometimes Kiki!  But, then I just make something else.  I generally plan my meals a day ahead of time and just use whatever groceries I have to make it happen. 

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • edited April 2011
    Normally I don't do it when not planned. I plan meals for the week. Sometimes I'll factor in going out to eat. Like Monday, we're going out to eat and I know that. We also usually go out for a brunch on the weekend. And we each grab lunch out at work 1-2 times a week (just Subway or something).

    I'm also willing to switch things up. Last night we felt like mushroom flatbread and salad instead of the stirfry I planned, so we'll have stirfry tonight.
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  • I'm a bad chef's wife. I only eat out once a week at most. I don't support the food service industry nearly as much as I could. #1 it's expensive, #2 I actually really enjoy cooking, #3 most of the time I can make something tastier for a WHOLE lot less money
  • Usually eat dinner out or get takeout about 2 times per week.  I always bring a lunch to work, so I dont think it is too bad.  It is just hard to cook EVERY night.  We usually cook Sun to Thur and eat out/takeout Fri and Sat.
  • We've done good so far on our cutting back.  I used to go out for lunch every Friday, then we'd go out a couple nights a week for dinner, but we decided we needed to cut back, and so far we have been doing pretty good about it.

    I bring a Lean Cuisine every day for lunch and usually cook every night (sometimes just for me because FI works till 7 and gets subsidized meals at work for $2, so it's ends up being easier/cheaper for him to just eat there).  We do still like to go out at least once a week, which is usually on Friday or Saturday night.  Sometimes that means a nice dinner, or just fast food, but we try to limit it as much as we can.
  • I usually only menu plan for one week, the week that we get a delivery with PRE-PLANNED meals.  Score.  But honestly, it's just too expensive for us to eat out over here.  In the States, we'd eat out everyday for lunch, and then a few times during the weeknight.  Always on a Friday.  But, to eat out here, we think that finding something for $50 for 2 people is cheap. 
  • Dinner 2-4 times a week Lunch once a month Breakfast once a quarter That said it looked better than it really is. DH eats about 80% of his meals (b,l, d) at work. Work provide us with meals so if I'm working a get a meal.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • We don't really eat out that much. Although H does often eat out for lunch at work and I hate it. He has told me we have to save, save, save, so I am preaching at him to do the same. All those lunches definitely add up.
  • I usually bring lunch and only eat out if there's nothing for me to bring (no leftovers or sandwich stuff) or if it's some special occasion. H is all over the place for work, so he tends to grab a sandwich or fast food more often, but he's getting better about eating at home.

    For dinner, it's always once on the weekends and usually once during the week. We say that going out to eat is our hobby - we really like trying new places and going out to a good meal.
  • Oh, and LDY, I think you and your H need to have a little talk about food. He doesn't like veggies, won't eat what you've agreed on and makes fattening foods when he knows you're trying to lose weight - not cool. But at the same time I think you could do to stop using him as an excuse for the things you eat - you're an adult, if you want french fries then eat them, but don't say it's because your H made it too tempting.

    (Said with love, not criticism, I know tone doesn't come across online)
  • Saturdays are my take-out night!
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  • For awhile I was going out to lunch every weekday. I'm now bringing my lunch to work usually four days a week. We still usually go out to eat a few times on the weekends, and sometimes I'll pick up a snack between work and dance class. I picked 5-7 times per week.
  • We eat out way too much right now because I never know what I want. Plus these last couple weeks I have had a constant craving pepperoni pizza and I have been indulging that craving. I think its killing DH though because he is trying to be good and lose weight.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dining Out Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh, and LDY, I think you and your H need to have a little talk about food. He doesn't like veggies, won't eat what you've agreed on and makes fattening foods when he knows you're trying to lose weight - not cool. But at the same time I think you could do to stop using him as an excuse for the things you eat - you're an adult, if you want french fries then eat them, but don't say it's because your H made it too tempting. (Said with love, not criticism, I know tone doesn't come across online)
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    I'm just now seeing them, and I totally agree with you. We are terrible people lol. Normally I'm only playfully blaming him for my french fry situation - it's rare that I ACTUALLY blame him. But you're right.

    Thank you =)
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