Wedding Etiquette Forum

Dear Husband,

Why do you...

carry toilet paper to the spare bathroom and leave it on the counter when there's an empty roll on the thing?

leave your empty Gatorade bottles on the counter 5 feet from the trash can?

take a towel out of the dryer to hang on your rack and not bring me one, or at least fold and put away the rest of the load?

put toilet bowl cleaner in the bowl and then fail to scrub and flush to finish the job?

I appreciate you beginning to help, but I'd like some follow through. I know you don't mean to be thoughtless in any way, but please finish what you start.

Thanks, baby!
Love, Me

Anyone else need to get anything off their chest? I don't gripe about DH often, but all of the above happened in the last 12 hours.
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Infertile, living childfree, advocating like a BOSS

Re: Dear Husband,

  • This was us earlier today:

    FI:  You know, honey, I think I'll be out and about for most of the weekend so that you can finish the wedding crafts in peace.

    Me:  Um, ok.  Or you could stay home and help me.  No?

    FI:  Well, I'm not very good at that stuff and I'd just wreck everything, so I'll let you do it.  

    He thinks he's being super sweet by staying out of the house - lol.  Luckily, there's nothing really left to do but programs.
  • Why do you put your dirty glass on the counter right above the dishwasher?

    Why can't you ever put the scissors away so I can find them when I need them?

    Why do you take the trash out but not put a new bag in?
  • I think you married my BF's long-lost twin.  Except mine is terrible at loading the dishwasher too.  He HAS learned to stop tracking dirt into the house when he's mowing the lawn, which is a major accomplishment.
  • OhPoopy... your screen name... it disturbs me.
  • Yes, the trash bag thing, too! Ugh, although I never say anything about that because I'm just glad he takes the trash out so I don't have to.
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    Infertile, living childfree, advocating like a BOSS
  • Why do you insist on turning up Bohemian Rhapsody or any Queen every.damn.time. you hear it on the radio and sing it top volume at the exact pitch they do. just stop.

    Why are you smoking cigarettes on the job? :(

    Why do you leave the door open every time you let the dogs in the yard? You know that makes the house super cold right?
  • Dear FI,
    I get really annoyed after coming home from work and school and finding six empty soda cans on the coffee table, along with 3 glasses and 2 bowls. You obviously spent a lot of time at home today, so had plenty of opportunities to clean up after yourself.  Yet, I do it after being gone all day. Please work on this.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do you insist on turning up Bohemian Rhapsody or any Queen every.damn.time. you hear it on the radio and sing it top volume at the exact pitch they do.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]

    Wait...are you married to me?
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ae0132de-2b38-4a7b-a9c8-ecfb5773a940Post:6be7c205-9120-4f0a-a44a-25c4dbf52de2">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]OhPoopy... your screen name... it disturbs me.
    Posted by kikibaby[/QUOTE]

    So sorry kiki.  I always try to cut back on the swearing in public/the office/etc, so it's become my go-to phrase.
  • lyndausvilyndausvi mod
    Moderator Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited November 2009
    Why do you leave your socks where you take them off instead of the hamper that is oh, maybe 5 feet away?

    Why do you leave all garbage on the counter instead of the trash directly under the counter?

    How comes you never wash any dishes?

    How come whenever I'm with you ALWAYS answer your crackberry, yet when I try to call you you never pickup?

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ae0132de-2b38-4a7b-a9c8-ecfb5773a940Post:f26fb273-8bf1-400a-ad88-bb69e85d7f8d">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do you take the trash out but not put a new bag in?
    Posted by kikibaby[/QUOTE]

    This times a bazillion! Why do they do this? It seriously makes me crazy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do you leave your socks where you take them off instead of the hammer that is oh, maybe 5 feet away? [/QUOTE]

    Ugh, this too.  There is a pile of clothes next to his side of the bed that I refuse to pick up and wash. They will stay there until he puts them in the hamper. 
  • I'll take the bag of trash out and replace it and leave the bag by the can in the kitchen. He will walk right by it and leave without taking it out. ANNOYING.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ae0132de-2b38-4a7b-a9c8-ecfb5773a940Post:d73ba194-33e9-40d7-bfc4-f21c4ec996e2">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do you leave your socks where you take them off instead of the hammer that is oh, maybe 5 feet away? Posted by lyndausvi[/QUOTE]

    This...except, why do you leave them in the couch?  You know that you have taught the dog to count right?  She knows that there are always two for her to find and chew up.  And you don't notice that she is doing it.  So, don't complain to me when all of your socks have holes in them.
    BFP 5/2/11, missed m/c, D&C 6/13/11
    BFP 12/8/11--Little Girl E Born 8/22/12
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh Salt, a girl can dream.

    It's ok, I do it to Destiny's Child songs for some reason. I don't even looove that group or anything. I just find it necessary to sing loudly with attitude to their songs.
  • Dear FI,

    Why is it so hard to tell the difference between kitchen shears and regular scissors?  They aren't even the same color.  I don't like to use objects that have touched raw chicken on my household projects.

    Your future beaming bride
  • Dear FI,

    Why did you have to have an early flight in today when you KNOW I have class until 5!?!?! This is killing me.
  • Why do you have 3 half-empty glasses of water beside the bed?

    Why do you seem incapable of putting a coffee cup in the dishwasher? I'm so pleased you've stopped leaving them around the house, but really, how much more effort does it take to put it in the dishwasher instead of in the sink? You gte bitchy with the T&C when they do that, why are you exempt from your own rules?

    Why do you have to recline the seat in my car when you drive it? It's bad enough you kill my mileage when you drive it, but leave my seat alone. Or at least return it to the way you found it, hmm? Kthnxbye.
  • Oh, why do you insist on not putting your clothes in the right drawer?  I 'm tired of having to find you stuff because you can't remember where you put them. 

    (I wash, dry and fold his clothes, I refuse to put them away)

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Dear FI,
    The bathroom floor is not a hamper.  Also why do you leave you paper towels on the counter when the garbage is right there.  I wonder if you think that the maid comes and picks these things up.  Oh no it is just me!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ae0132de-2b38-4a7b-a9c8-ecfb5773a940Post:d73ba194-33e9-40d7-bfc4-f21c4ec996e2">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do you leave all garbage on the counter instead of the trash directly under the counter?
    Posted by lyndausvi[/QUOTE]

  • I'm just going to ditto lynda, because I was going to say ALL THOSE THINGS.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do you insist on turning up Bohemian Rhapsody or any Queen every.damn.time. you hear it on the radio and sing it top volume at the exact pitch they do.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]

    Guilty!  I do this.  Queen is AWESOME ;)
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  • Dear T,

    Why do you say you'll go to the grocery store during the day (since you're unemployed and without daytime activities) and then wait until I get home to go so that I feel bad and go with you thereby taking up my evening?
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    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • lyndausvilyndausvi mod
    Moderator Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited November 2009
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dear Husband,</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm just going to ditto lynda, because I was going to say ALL THOSE THINGS.
    Posted by georgia_bride09[/QUOTE]

    Sometimes I feel dupped.  It's like I married a boy disguised as a man.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Me too, lynda. And I wonder how he managed before me. He lived on his own, but he must have lived in squalor. He just fooled me into thinking he was sort of neat when I came around.
  • Dear FI,

    - Why is it difficult for you to work 4 hours and then do some housework, yet its expected that I work 16, come home and clean up after you?

    - Why must you wait until the last possible second to do something? Learn the work urgency

    - I love that you do the washing, but would you mind doing some of mine? I do yours when I do a load, no need for you to pick all of yours out and leave mine

    - You are 22, you know how to open a dishwasher. Start doing so.

  • edited November 2009
    Wow, reading this thread I feel rather fortunate! FI is brilliant around the house. He actually LIKES to clean (yes, I is odd). He even really ENJOYS cleaning and scrubbing the bathroom (toilet included).  Granted, when he does I have to hear, as I am peeing, "how do you like peeing in a freshly cleaned toilet", through the bathroom door however that is an alright tradeoff. 

    He is far cleaner than I am (I am definitely not a slob, I just figure I am rather "relaxed" about it though). confess, if anyone has anything to complain about it's probably him about my own weird habits. So, I will insert some little quirks of mine he finds endearing (well, he says anyway), yet also rather aggravating - like leaving papers in my pants pockets to go through the washer or leaving half-empty glasses of water and such around the house (l am preparing for an alien invasion, like in Signs).
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