Wedding Etiquette Forum

Habanera from Carmen

If you went to a wedding and the bride walked down the aisle to the instrumental version of "Habanera" from Carmen, what would you think?  It's the famous tune that Carmen sings/dances to.

Link here if you need a reminder:

Re: Habanera from Carmen

  • I love the music and I wouldn't think it odd.
  • Yeah?

    Love is a rebellious bird
    that nobody can tame,
    and you call him quite in vain
    if it suits him not to come.
    Nothing helps, neither threat nor prayer.
    One man talks well, the other keeps silent;
    it's the other one that I prefer.
    He never said anything, but I like his looks.
    Love! Love! Love! Love!

    I know you said instrumental, but I would find it odd.  I am a musician and a singer, though, so I probably know more about it than most people.
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  • I'm a music nerd so I wouldn't think it was the most appropriate tune, but I'd probably shrug it off.
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  • [QUOTE] I am a musician and a singer, though, so I probably know more about it than most people.
    Posted by sucrets4[/QUOTE]

    Points to my eyes, points to sucrets' eyes
    Baby Birthday Ticker
    Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Habanera from Carmen</a>:
    [QUOTE]Points to my eyes, points to sucrets' eyes
    Posted by ring_pop[/QUOTE]

    *fist bump*
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  • Er, yes I'd find it odd. But I'm a music-fiend and I've got strong opinions. I think most Bizet stuff is a bit... heavy? and very structured almost, for your intended use but if it suits you, we're just a bunch of internet strangers, do what makes you happy.
  • Honestly, I would think that you didn't do your research. 

    Plus, it's in minor.
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  • Unless you're a skater or a dancer, and you and your FI met dancing to this... eh.

    I'd think it was odd for sure.
  • Why would it matter that it's in minor? Are there some musical reasons it doesn't work as a processional song?

    I was conflicted because Carmen isn't exactly a pure/bridal character, but I thought the actual music works well as a processional.

    It's helpful to hear from people who know about music, though, because I am not an expert at all, just a huge fan of opera and classical music.
  • I have a friend who walked in to the piano music to "How to Save a Life" by the Fray. Now, when I hear that song, I think about suicide and her wedding. It's odd. But anyway, at the time I thought it was really strange, however the piano music is so pretty and it was great music to walk to, if I was her I would have used it too. I'd probably use it for my wedding, but I'd feel weird about using her song. If you like the music, then I say use it.
  • It almost sounds too sultry to be a processional.  There's a lot of discomfort and tension in the music.

    Stuff in minor typically sounds sad (to be stereotypical) and I personally feel you (the general you) should walk to something more happy and peaceful.

    I walked to the wedding march from The Marriage of Figaro and loved it. 
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
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  • Well, I can see how you would think it was processional, but, I get this vision of your BM's walking down the aisle doing a Spanish dance or something.
  • If you're really into opera, you could try Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral.  It's freaking amazing. If I'd had the big wedding I'd thought about a few years ago, I totally would have wanted this.
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