Wedding Etiquette Forum


Ok, so my FH wants to invite his god-daughter to our wedding.  He hasn't see her in 20 years.  He also wants to invite his god-daughter's mother so she will know somoene at the wedding.  Here's the question.  Her mother is re-married and my FH does not know her new husband.  Is it rude to send the inviation addressed to the god-daughter and her mother only or should we invite the new husband as well?  We can only have 60 people at the wedding and we are already cutting it very close.  Thanks for your help.  

Re: invite?

  • strlzfan11strlzfan11 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited April 2011
    If you just issue the invitation to the goddaughter & guest, she can bring whomever she chooses.  If you issue the invitation to goddaughter & mother (but really they should each get their own invitation since goddaughter is over 18), you need to invite the mother's new husband.
  • Generally speaking, you should invite spouses together.  I know that when you have a small group like 60 people, 3 seems like a lot.  But it's only one more than two.  Invite all three of them.  Itt's possible that the husband will decide not to attend.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: invite?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you just issue the inviation to the goddaughter & guest, she can bring whomever she chooses.  If you issue the invitation to goddaughter & mother (but really they should each get their own invitation since goddaughter is over 18), you need to invite the mother's new husband.
    Posted by strlzfan11[/QUOTE]

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  • I would just invite the goddaughter and guest. 

  • Invite the goddaughter and let her choose her own guest.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: invite?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you just issue the invitation to the goddaughter & guest, she can bring whomever she chooses.  If you issue the invitation to goddaughter & mother (but really they should each get their own invitation since goddaughter is over 18), you need to invite the mother's new husband.
    Posted by strlzfan11[/QUOTE]

  • Ditto what was said above...but if my godfather hadn't seen me in twenty years, I'm not sure I would go to his wedding if it were more than an hour drive.  My godfather's pretty awesome, but I see him way more than once every twenty years.
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