Wedding Etiquette Forum

Dress Advice

the dress board is kinda dead, and many of you ladies already have your dresses, or had your weddings so I feel like you are more knowledgeable here. 

Today I just saw a photo slide show of someone's wedding, on a photographer's blog.  She had the same dress I purchased.  Her figure is a little fuller, and by that I mean - she has more girls. Yet, in her pictures, the dress sticks out around the girls, as if it was too large there. I noticed the same thing when I tried it on, but the sales person said that it was due to the fact that this dress was not my size. Of course, nothing is my size (34A).

I heard that seamstresses may decide to do different things with the bodices, to make them fuller on the inside, and make them feel like a bra.  But, the cups that I tried on when trying on the dress did not look like they were doing any lifting... did anyone of you bought your own cups and gave to the seamstress? How did you solve the problem of the too large bodice?  I know I have time, but i want to be prepared... and one thing I do not want to happen is for my dress to look like a big cup that covers everything up to the flat part of the chest (right under the neck)...

Re: Dress Advice

  • You'll really just have to experiment with different options until you find what's right for you & the dress.

    If you have a pic of you in the dress I could probably offer more advice...
  • Pics?  Depending on the style of dress there are different things that can be done.  And if, after it's altered and everything you still think it looks big around the bust, you can always get "chicken cutlets" or some other type of padding to fill it out a little.
  • I didn't buy my own cups, but the seamstress got some that worked well for me. Like ac said, it's hard to know without actually seeing your dress, but I know that cups can work and look nice, if that's what you're wondering.
  • I'm also a 34A and my seamstress put cups in for me.  I think it turned out nicely.  Like pps have said, it would help to see a pic of you in your dress.
  • At the last minute, I decided to sew in some padding. They didn't lift though, they just filled out the bust. I preferred it that way; less cleavage, but also less risk of spillage.
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  • I am smaller-busted and had cups sewn into a bra that I bought at the bridal salon. When I tried on the sample dress, I brought my own strapless bra with me and thought that I looked fine with just that on. But, I still allowed the seamstress to convince me to buy a bra from the shop and to add cups for more cleavage.

    Well, turns out that my mom put the bra on incorrectly on wedding day and it was riding up all day long. I would have been better off with no bra or my own strapless bra.
  • Oh and I did no bra.  The cups were just sewn into my dress.  If you're an A do you really need lift?  As an A I don't have anything to lift!
  • I will try to get you the picture. It is by a private label (or so the bridal salon said) so I cannot find it online, other than checking out people's bios... like I pretty much did.  I will look back for this photo and post.
  • edited December 2009
    Ok, so here is the dress on the other girl. I want to make sure I give credits so the photo was taken by Sharon's Wedding Art, and the couple are: Lisa and Tim from madison, NJ (which explains how we got the same dress).

    Here is the link to the photog's site: around the middle (April 24th, 2009) is the whole posting with a slideshow, where you can see more of the dress.

    I love the way it looks on this girl and I loved it on me... i am just worried about the cups...

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:af9c85f9-ef46-4dab-818c-7039460bd7e6Post:c29aebc9-48a3-4fe2-96de-f0670d50112e">Re: Dress Advice</a>:
    [QUOTE]At the last minute, I decided to sew in some padding. They didn't lift though, they just filled out the bust. I preferred it that way; less cleavage, but also less risk of spillage.
    Posted by ring_pop[/QUOTE]

    Ring_pop -  I wish I had to worry about spillage :) 

    The cups on the dress are quite thick and stiff, whcih is good if they can fill them up with something to do a little lifting... I know that I will not get the VS type of lift without the straps, but just a little would make me happy
  • OK, so it's strapless, but still looks like it gives good coverage up top. I think you'll have an easy time making your chest look good in this dress.

    You can try cups, "cutlets", a long-line strapless bra, or a combination of these. Cups will probably work best, I had them and they worked really well. Just try a bunch of things when the dress comes in and you'll be fine.
  • I think cups will work well in that dress.  It'll give some shape without looking funny or unnatural.  And a good seamstress should be able to alter it so it doesn't look too big.  I don't think you need to worry.
  • Oh, and also?  You said it "sticks out a little" around her bust.  I didn't really notice.  I think since it's your dress you're being a little over-critical, honestly.  Strapless dresses rarely sit completely flush with people's chests.  At least that I've noticed. 
  • It's actually great to see this dress on some other bride, a real person, not a model... you can really tell what the dress is doing when really used... I love the back of it even more now. and it made me realize that I want the American bussle (not sure how you spell this).
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:af9c85f9-ef46-4dab-818c-7039460bd7e6Post:abaa2b8d-1755-4c9b-b30e-36e75e68aed7">Re: Dress Advice</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh and I did no bra.  The cups were just sewn into my dress.  If you're an A do you really need lift?  As an A I don't have anything to lift!
    Posted by julezlee[/QUOTE]

    Ha, that is true, Julez... what I want to avoid is the look where the dress cups over the girls in such a way that you only see flat skin righ above them and then the cup... i am not sure if I explain this correctly. I wanted a little lift to show that the cup is not all dress, but a little bit of girls too... like this look - obviously there is more girls here, but I hope you get the idea of what I kinda want to have...

    Thank you for advice ladies... I will work with my seamstress :)  And yes, I probably am too critical... is that normal?
    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '8f392f11-4bc4-4dee-9e50-6878b8c3ee42', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
  • Totally normal.  So basically you want just a little cleavage, just enough to know they're there?  Is that what you're saying?  Then something like cups and and cutlets (inserts) would probably be what you'd want to do.
  • Yes, cleverage is the word! Thank you - a little skin that shows I do have something :) haha, Thank God for seamstresses, because I cannot thank him for the girls ;)

    Thank you ladies!! You rock!
  • If it is properly altered to fit you, it should be fine and not need any "fillers".
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