Wedding Etiquette Forum

How bad of an idea is this?!?

My FI have only had one wedding disagreement: the honeymoon (and it has been a 4 month disagreement.. lol

We finally found a resort we love!  It is an all-inclusive in Jamaica - the place looks great and the price is right.

Our goal was to fly out on Monday (Saturday wedding)- but the flights don't work.  The Sunday flight leaves at 6AM and the reception is in the burbs (so public transit is out).

How bad of an idea would it be to change out of wedding clothes (reception ends at 11pm).. hang out at the after party until 3am.. then have a prearranged car service (I don't want to bother a family member at 3am!) take us to the airport (30-45 minute drive without traffic) giving us at least 2 hours at the airport to check-in?????

Since all-inclusives are common.. should we just keep looking.. or would our crazy idea actually work?  TIA!

Re: How bad of an idea is this?!?

  • salt78salt78 member
    Whatever works for you, but I think that sounds awful. 
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  • I've done this before - Canada Day party, stayed up all night and hit a plane at 6am for Vegas.  It worked out ok, but man I was tired that first day.

    I think it would be fine.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • If you think you're up to it, go for it. I wouldn't be. I'd be cranky, tired, and pissy. Which is not how I'd like to be on my wedding night. In wedding night polls on this board, I've noticed that most couples are too tired to have sex on the wedding night, let alone get on an airplane and fly to another country.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Sounds like an adventure! But.. knowing how tired I was, I would skip the after party and get a few hours of rest.
    image Married and Junk.
  • If you can sleep on the plane, I don't see a problem with this. I can't sleep on planes, so I'd be a grumpy grouch by the time we hit Jamaica.
  • I personally wouldn't do it because I turn into a total biitch without enough sleep and that's not how I'd want to start our honeymoon.

    Married 5.6.11

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  • Also, which city are you going to? We went to Montego Bay, so once we got to Jamaica, we were only ten minutes away from the resort. Some people had to ride a couple of hours to get to theirs. I wouldn't want to do that tired, either. They don't appreciate A/C as much as we do, especially in the vehicles.
  • It doesn't sound like a bad idea at all, as long as you can handle being awake for that long or can sleep soundly on the plane.  I can never sleep in anything that's moving.  It's your judgement call, and it is not at all rude to change clothes and hire a car to drive you to the airport.  There's no rule that says you have to wear your dress until the wee hours (or late ones) if you don't want to.
  • We did (sort of ) the same thing for a trip to Cozumel and didn't sleep that night.  We all ended up wasting our first day there sleeping because we were so tired.  Can you leave later in the week, like Tuesday or Wednesday?
  • We have to leave at 6 am Sunday morning to make it onto our cruise ship...  We live by a little airport with few flights so we didn't have many options.  We both think that it is absolutely nuts and joke about sleeping in the car in the airport parking lot :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yea we can leave Tuesday.. we can also find another location .. we can also spend another $900 to fly on a different airline on Monday.  They are likely better ideas than our plan.. still .. we don't seem to want to do any of those ideas.

    Part of me agrees that we should spend a day resting here and saying thank you to all of our friends and family that made it to our wedding when we see them at breakfast the next day at the hotel.

    The other part of me knows that I am the crazy type and I stay up nights on end throughout college and grad school.  I will be too anxious to sleep anyways and I plan to spend my honeymoon sitting around the pool/beach doing nothing regardless.  (This is why we decided to do an all-inclusive now and a big 2 week trip to Hawaii next year.. when we are up for all the touring and adventure)

    Thanks for all your advice!  I will share them with FI tonight... Thanks again for all your feedback!
  • bheartsbbheartsb member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited July 2010
    I'm usual...

    Do yourself a favor and leave Tuesday.  This was you will be able to enjoy the wedding + afterparty.  Bask a little in the thought of 'YAY, we're married', square everything away at a leisurely pace, and THEN go away.

    When I booked our flights for HM the customer service rep actuall ASKED me when the wedding was, and stated that it was a much better idea for us to leave on Monday (reception is Sat nite), she said she's heard the story a hundred times about newlyweds missing their flight. 

    No to mention...much like a few of pp mentioned, do you really want to spend the 1st day of your hm sleeping? 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'd do it. You can sleep on the plane and/or take a nap once you get there. Or the other option is to do what I did the first time I got married -- reception ended around 1am, we took a limo to the airport, spent what was left of the night at an airport hotel and took an early morning flight (I think it was around 8am but we had to check in at around 6) that morning. 

    Personally, I did NOT want to stay around for a couple of days after the wedding -- I thought it would be anti-climactic -- and strongly wanted to leave for our honeymoon immediately. I don't regret that decision at all.
  • Could you leave Tuesday? I'd hate to waste a day at a resort if all I was going to do was sleep.

    Otherwise... well, as long as you can sleep as soon as you get to the resort, do it.
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  • Gosh you guys all have such good points both for and against leaving the next day!!!

    I guess we will just have to see which points match our personalities and our goals/expectations for the days following our wedding.

    Thanks again for your feedback!
  • I'll also add that when I flew to London, I pretty much missed night completely.  I got to my hotel, napped for an hour then was so excited to be where I was that I got up, showered and headed out to see London.  There's a lot to be said for adrenaline.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I would be in such a stinking rotten mood on the flight that I'd end up divorced before we got back home.
  • edited July 2010
    In Response to <a href="">How bad of an idea is this?!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My FI have only had one wedding disagreement: the honeymoon (and it has been a 4 month disagreement.. lol We finally found a resort we love!  It is an all-inclusive in Jamaica - the place looks great and the price is right. Our goal was to fly out on Monday (Saturday wedding)- but the flights don't work.  The Sunday flight leaves at 6AM and the reception is in the burbs (so public transit is out). How bad of an idea would it be to change out of wedding clothes (reception ends at 11pm).. hang out at the after party until 3am.. then have a prearranged car service (I don't want to bother a family member at 3am!) take us to the airport (30-45 minute drive without traffic) giving us at least 2 hours at the airport to check-in????? Since all-inclusives are common.. should we just keep looking.. or would our crazy idea actually work?  TIA!
    Posted by PharmacyBride[/QUOTE]
    we did this, sort of. the wedding ended at 9 pm, we left town about 10:30 for the 2 hour drive to the airport hotel. checked in, bowchickabowow, 2 hours of sleep, and got to the airport at 3 am for a 5 am flight to Atlanta then to Dominican Republic. it's not really fun, but you sleep on the plane. I was so hyped up on adrenaline that I couldn't sleep until around 9 that night anyway. we do not regret this decision in the least.

    Glenna Harding Photography
  • In Response to <a href="">How bad of an idea is this?!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My FI have only had one wedding disagreement: the honeymoon (and it has been a 4 month disagreement.. lol We finally found a resort we love!  It is an all-inclusive in Jamaica - the place looks great and the price is right. Our goal was to fly out on Monday (Saturday wedding)- but the flights don't work.  The Sunday flight leaves at 6AM and the reception is in the burbs (so public transit is out). How bad of an idea would it be to change out of wedding clothes (reception ends at 11pm).. hang out at the after party until 3am.. then have a prearranged car service (I don't want to bother a family member at 3am!) take us to the airport (30-45 minute drive without traffic) giving us at least 2 hours at the airport to check-in????? Since all-inclusives are common.. should we just keep looking.. or would our crazy idea actually work?  TIA!
    Posted by PharmacyBride[/QUOTE]

    We did something similar - reception ended at 1 am, took a nap for an  1 hour, brother drove us with other sleeping relatives (they were meant to keep him awake) in the car to the airport for 3 am, flight checkin was at 5am for a 6am flight.  We slept on the flight, and the first day of the cruise was at sea, so we didn't miss anything :)

    Go for it!!

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
  • I would hold out... FI and I saw a few different vacation deals that weren't quiiiite ideal when it cames to departing and returning dates, so we waited thinking that if we didn't find something that fit perfectly we could just take a honeymoon later this year.  Turns out we found a great deal to go to the Dominican for a week, all inclusive, and the dates work out perfectly in terms of the wedding and when we have to be back here to start grad school.
  • That would be rather hideous after a massive day, IMO.
  • That would be a long day,but kudos if you can pull it off. I'm the crazy that goes to an amusement park at 7am on 2.5 hours of sleep and functions all day then drives home a 2 hour drive at 1 in the morning.... it all depends on if you know your limitations before that.
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