We are having grandparents and parents walk down the aisle in our wedding before our attendants. I know some of you think this is strange, but it is totally normal for our are and has been in every wedding I've ever been to. Also the groom's grandparents might be very upset if we didn't do it. I only have one grandmother left and she won't be at the wedding, but my step-grandfather would be there. It seemed fitting for him to go first since he is not a blood relative, but still very important to us. Then grooms grandma will go (lives in AZ). Then grooms grandpa and wife (not grandma) will go. They live down the street and we actually live in their old house now so they are very important. The question is...who's next? I think it should be his mom and he thinks it should be my mom. He will be walking his own mom and I just kind of figured it didn't really matter so I said ok fine, but it kept bothering me. I feel like my mom should be last, even if only because she's the mother of the bride. Groom thinks that if he's walking his mom down they should go last so that he's last. Now my sister made it sound like people would think it was really strange and awkward. I am bothered because I don't think it's what he wants I think it's just what his mom wants because she's really controlling and wants it all to be her way. What do I do? What is right?
Sorry for the long post...