Wedding Etiquette Forum

this makes me look sad


Umm hi, where are the rest of you, and why aren't you posting? and also, how did I take over the danieliza spot on the top right that never seems to change?!

Re: this makes me look sad

  • You are all different kinds of special sun, thats why!

    I do that some nights, take over a few of the recent poster spots.
  • Haha yes I just saw that! And usually I take over all of the spots bar the top two, which always have dani in them... which is why I'm surprised to see that we're in the top right now! 


    How are you, anyway?

  • HOLD ON A SECOND! Where did you just go on that list? Why am I all over it again? Usually they move down as others post, right? Seems now only the top right spot is actually changing. I know I do post a lot when no one's around, and it's not the first time I have dominated the 'recent posters' at this time of night, but generally my picture is not in every slot bar one! 
  • I'm ok. Planning my 21st and getting very disheartened by all the people that have said they will come that are now facebooking and saying something better has come up. Twice in two days it has happened.

    How are you? Getting hot over there? We got up to 25 yesterday and I was melting!
  • The Knot is staging a TheSun invasion and no one passed on the message? Besides that, I don't have a clue.
  • edited December 2009

    Oh, I'm afraid that as you continue to throw parties, you slowly get used to people making excuses and learn not to take it personally- and also, you cull your invites a little! The last party I had before the wedding was a dinner party- I invited 25 people (I went a bit insane with dinner party invites. It was supposed to be small!) and all bar a couple who were working came... much like our wedding, where we had about 5 people decline (two of whom were overseas, and one who had a baby the weekend before) out of our 75 invites. It's all about who you invite, I think. That said, it does suck when friends can't make it for unexpected reasons. I'm sure you'll have an awesome 21st anyway! What are you doing for it?


    It's been ridiculously hot (about 35 on Monday, so sweltering in my house, and around 30 for the week previous), but today is nice and cool again, I think it was 24 max- and raining- today, and I loved it!

  • I'm having a joint party with my mum, who is turning 50 the day after me. I don't have a lot of friends, so its only close friends (about 6 people) family and family friends. I'm trying not to take it personally, but its hard to not feel like I'm second best. I know it was be a great night regardless because everyone who is important to me with be there.

    Oh and my engagement is off. R decided he wasn't ready for the commitment and that marriage is not needed for our relationship to work.

    Sorry, I'm on a downer at the moment. I'm having a wee pity party

    Oh, and I got my first sunburn of the season. While in my convertable. I have a big stripe where the seatbelt was. I look like a zebra.
  • Your engagement is really off? I'm so sorry to hear that. When did that happen? I gather you guys are still together, but just not planning a wedding right now?


    In any case- and I know you might want to kick me for saying this- you are very young. It's not a bad thing to delay marriage at this point. There's going to be lots of time for planning a wedding (and spending lots of $'s on it!) in the future. Try to remind yourself of that (as hard as it is to deal with right now). 


    Oh, your convertible, aka the new car? How is it? Put lots of aloe sunburn gel on your burn (reapply this really regularly- it should help with the pain as well if you keep it in the fridge) and it'll disappear quickly. 


    It's so funny that your 'hot' is my 'cool'. Although I must admit, I do adore 25 degree days, and I wish that I could find a place to move where the temp ranged from about 19-27 as the lows and highs all year around! :)

  • Yes, we are still together, just not planning a wedding. I think once he realised what was involved he got scared. We will revisit it when he is ready, if that happens.

    I thought you might say that. I'm not going to kick you. I'm OK with not being engaged. We weren't planning on getting married for a few years anyway, so not much has changed. I'm sad, but I'm more embarrassed. Telling our parents was really hard.

    My new car is great. I love it! I am putting after sun stuff on it a couple of times a day, and it has started to peel already.

    Anything new with you? I have been dominating this thread, sorry!
  • Well, my reclassification came through at work- and that means back pay, as well as a substantial payrise. Very exciting; I'd convinced myself it wasn't going to happen, so it was nice to find out otherwise! 


    Other than that, not a lot going on! We went shopping after work, then grabbed some takeaway before we came home. We had a good day (despite having to work!). 


    I'm glad that the car is good. I'm really sorry about the engagement, but I do think that it's the right thing to do- it's best to wait until you're both 100% ready. I can imagine it must have been tough to tell others about it, though. 

  • Oh and my engagement is off. R decided he wasn't ready for the commitment and that marriage is not needed for our relationship to work.

    :( Honey I don't know how old you and your BF are but this is a red flag... MOOSE?
  • Congrats! Thats great news about the pay rise and back pay. I love it when that happens. Why were you convinced it wasn't going to happen?

    What takeaways did you get? We went out for Japanese and it was so good. Seems a bit of a waste to spend my only night off in a restaurant though!

    I agree, there is no point planning a wedding that he isn't ready for. It is good that he told me now, rather then in a couple of years when things had really gotten rolling. Telling his mum was the hardest. I love her to bits and she was really excited about getting a daughter.
  • Pulling out all of the nostalgia of late, Kati! First Jens reappears, and then we speak about the 'freejens', and now red flags? What's next, nommers coming back to play?!
  • We had Tibetan takeaway. SO good. 


    I had convinced myself it wouldn't come through because it's so much money and given I work for public health, I felt it was pretty unlikely they'd want to support that! 


    I can imagine it would have been hard with his family. Ultimately, if you're still together, nothing is really changing. It just means you'll be having the wedding later on. 


    I hate to do this, but I must post and run as it's our bedtime! Night girls.

  • Tibetan huh. I have never had Tibetan food before.

    Night Sun, thanks for putting up with my down mood tonight. When it rains, it pours!
  • Good morning ladies. Bubble, I'm so sorry to hear about your engagment. That really sucks.

    And Sun - congratulations on your reclassification! I was hoping that we'd get an update soon.
  • Late, but Sun - the sticky PSA-private messages post is no longer sticky, so now Dani only appears in the top posters once, for the remaining FAQ sticky post. At least I think that's why.
  • Nah, it doesn't make you look sad. It makes us Yanks (and Canucks) look sleepy.

    Bubble, sorry about your engagement. Frown
  • Ditto kate, dani only has one sticky now, so she only gets one permanent poster spot.

    I'm sorry bubble :( I hope everything works out for the best!
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b2d0212c-73c2-491b-9a57-312110c8685cPost:fb98bebb-becb-4c09-900d-b6b4844f20d3">Re: this makes me look sad</a>:
    [QUOTE]Late, but Sun - the sticky PSA-private messages post is no longer sticky, so now Dani only appears in the top posters once, for the remaining FAQ sticky post. At least I think that's why.
    Posted by kate51485[/QUOTE]
    Thanks Kate, I guessed that was why. I think that each 'active' box corresponds to a thread, which is why bubble and I kept changing over in the top right spot last night. 
  • and thanks cew! Was rather exciting news. 
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