Wedding Etiquette Forum

Excluding fam

I'm in need of some advice. My fiance and I are getting married next summer we don't want to have a huge wedding but I have a large family on my Mom's side.

We are a pretty close family so I know feelings will be hurt. Oh' and by the way we are having the wedding in another city...about 3 hours away so I know some people will not show regardless. 

How should I go about telling some of my family (mostly cousins) they are not invited to the wedding?

Re: Excluding fam

  • You don't really have to tell them - there's not a nice way to make a phone call and say, "Hey - by the way - we're getting married next summer but you're not invited." Just make sure that you don't talk about the wedding around them (and ask your mom to do the same). When they realize they didn't get an invitation, if they ask - simply explain that you're keeping the wedding small because of budget/space constraints/whatever reason you want to use.
  • When you and your FH start making your guest list, have a cut-off point for family, be it second cousins, or relatives you have not seen in the last 10 years, or whatever, then go from there. 

    You do not have to explain your reasoning about why you want a small wedding to anyone, other than saying you want to have a small wedding. 
  • Thanks ladies this really helps Laughing
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