Wedding Etiquette Forum

Mother ciggerettes stinking up wedding

My mother has decided that being the mother of the bride means its her wedding and her time to shine.  I can deal with that, but it is causing issues with other people as well.  For one, she smokes in her house constantly.  You can not enter her house with out coughing. My sister in law and a few good friends are allergic to ciggerette smoke.  Well, my mother is insisting that the bridal shower be held at her house and that I have no choice in the matter. I do not know how to tell her that it simply can't go that way.  Also, she wants to keep my wedding dress at her house and I don't want to do that because it will smell like an ash tray.  How do I tell her that I don't want anything wedding related in her house?

Re: Mother ciggerettes stinking up wedding

  • Thanks everyone.  I've tried telling her it won't work and she just gets offended and angry.  She won't listen.  I have a feeling this is going to end very badly.  Like she asks for addresses and I say NO
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