Wedding Etiquette Forum

KPS-- have we talked about this?

I haven't been around for a couple of days, so I don't know.  The one about the H who is ignoring her?  I would really like to know who that is and help.  Or, at the very least, tell her to kick him in the crotch. :D  THAT would get some attention! haha

Re: KPS-- have we talked about this?

  • edited April 2011

    ETA please excuse my post. I'm in a very strange mood and going to take myself off and do something else for a while.

    Talk to you later

  • I was wondering about this yesterday.

    KPS usually either makes me roll my eyes or makes me depressed.
  • That makes me sad. And it also makes me sad about the person who now feels invisible. :(
  • 1. Yeah that husband one really sucks. I can not imagine and I hope she is okay

    2. I do not think she should feel guilty to focus on her relationship right now. But if they want kids I hope there is time for her to realize that babies are not the only thing that can ruin relationships.

    3. That is a lot of debt and if I found out my H had that I would have a heart attack.

    4. I do not really get the Sunday rude wedding thing. I just think if I had to work I would decline or leave a little earlier.
  • The regular-ish now lurker needs to just post.  Grow some cojones lady, there are a lot of posters to remember on this board when someone disappears.
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  • I can't even read the one with the girl gagged and hands tied behind her back.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: KPS-- have we talked about this?</a>:
    [QUOTE]ETA please excuse my post. I'm in a very strange mood and going to take myself off and do something else for a while. Talk to you later
    Posted by Amt2109[/QUOTE]

  • She DDed her suggestion to walk by the husband naked.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b5511bd9-d395-42e6-b933-e23f192a741cPost:48a7dc0a-f3d1-4cb8-84c3-ff8ee7187e3d">Re: KPS-- have we talked about this?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: KPS-- have we talked about this? : ??
    Posted by Snippylynn[/QUOTE]

    WTF?? Is the knot acting fvcked up again or was that some weird edit? I thought it had first said something about walking by her H naked if he didnt pay attention to her. Do not see why she would need to edit it. Probably TK eff ups.
  • Why on earth would she DD. I guess it is strange that sometimes we are naked around our H's.

    You are excused!
  • Yeah... I don't get why that was dd-able.  Weird.
  • H gets like that when he's crazy busy at work, everything else ceases to exist--food, me, the cat, sleep. But all I have to do is say, "Dude, why are you ignoring me? My turn for attention." and all is good again.

    So, KPS poster, tell your H to give you attention (assuming you haven't already). You don't deserve to be ignored, especially to the point that your family notices.

  • Sunday weddings are rude to guests? Huh? What if the whole family is Jewish or Seventh Day adventist? What if taking a day off work isn't the end of the world?

    If they can't afford it or work is too important, just don't go, don't blame the Sunday wedding. If it's just because they want to get as smashed as possible and have a day to recover, then... yeah, that's a lame reason to call the host rude.


  • TBH, I was responding to the OP about the lady being ignored by her husband, and didn't know much about the original post. Theres days I follow TK quite well, days I don't, and I think I missed that one. After reading subsequent posts, I was embarrassed, really, on my lack of knowledge on the other thread. And, like I say, I'm in a strange mood - I seem to be taking things personally and saying things that others could take personally... and worried I might offend someone etc I deleted the post.

    Thats all it was.
  • I figured that was what happened, but no need to delete. Maybe the KPS poster will try to walk by her H naked and he will stop ignoring her. I do not think anyone would be offended by that post.

    This is a wedding related one on the orignal post secret. Just thought I'd share.
  • edited April 2011
    Re: Sunday wedding - almost all Jewish weddings are on Sundays for religious purposes (not being able to get married on the sabbath). So, yeah.

    ETA: Also, the October '10 girls were trying to figure out the husband-ignoring post, since we've been married for 6 months.
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  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited April 2011
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b5511bd9-d395-42e6-b933-e23f192a741cPost:9e96490e-9adc-4b84-9c55-b9f917e5062a">Re: KPS-- have we talked about this?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Re: Sunday wedding - almost all Jewish weddings are on Sundays for religious purposes (not being able to get married on the sabbath). So, yeah. ETA: Also, the October '10 girls were trying to figure out the husband-ignoring post, since we've been married for 6 months.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I know! 

    Eta: no, I don't know who was the KPS poster, just that the same thought flashed through my head when I read the post.
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