One of my friends, K, is pregnant and due in late May. She was supposed to be a BM in her friend's wedding in July. When K called the friend (I don't know her) to tell her that she was pregnant, the friend FREAKED out. She didn't congratulate her, and instead accused K of all the usuals: thunder stealing, overshadowing HER day, etc., because she would be having a baby two months before.
The friend told K that she AND her husband (who was going to be a GM) both were out of the WP, but could still come as guests.
I'm flabbergasted by this girl because it's not an adults only wedding, so she can't be mad that K would bring her baby uninvited. K won't be pregnant at the time, so the friend couldn't be mad about having a "fat" bridesmaid.
If she goes as a guest, I hope K doesn't dress the baby in white