So my mom is paying for the wedding almost completely. She has been saving for this day since I was born. My fiance and I are totally poor, I just lost my job. My Maid of Honor isn't pullin' in the big bucks (she and I are teachers) either.So my Great Aunt (my mom's favorite aunt) volunteered to pay for the wedding shower.
My mom, Aunt, and MoH went to go plan the shower and my MoH came back freaking out because my Aunt completely stole the show and refused to let her help or volunteer any ideas. So now my MoH is frustrated, and my aunt thinks she is justified in taking 100% control because she is paying.
I'm not allowed to know the plans so I can't weigh in on whose ideas I like better and my mom doesn't really want to take sides. I know my aunt. She is very conservative and old fashioned. I am not that. The more crazy, out there, and fun the better. So I tend to believe that my MoH would plan something I would like better, but my Aunt is paying...
What do I do? Is there anything I can do?