A little backstory. A couple years ago, FI broke his foot playing basketball. Beginning of last summer, he broke his other ankle in 3 places (the worst the doctors ever seen) playing basketball. He was on crutches for 2 months and a walking boot for almost 5. He used to play basketball in high school and really was very good at it. Now, he just plays at the gym and what he's lost in skill, he makes up in aggressiveness. He throws his height around and plays really rough. I knew it was only a matter of time before he got hurt.
A couple months ago, one guy he plays with asked FI if he wanted to be in his new community league starting here soon. Fi asked me what I thought about it and we went over the pros and cons. We decided, together that it wasn't the best idea right now and we would look for him a league once we moved.
He texted me a little bit ago and told me that he has to stop by and pay the guy for the league?? As I said, we decided a few months ago that it wasn't the best idea right now and I haven't heard anything about it since then. Apparently he changed his mind and forgot (didn't) tell me.
Why I'm upset:
- OBVIOUSLY his bones can't take it or something (just too aggressive)
- He'll look like an idiot if he gets hurt right before the wedding
- Our honeymoon involves a lot of walking and he'd be KO for that
- I feel like he went behind my back and reneged on a decision we made together
- They play every sing Sunday. As it is, we see each other every other week, very rarely, two weekends in a row.So now, I either have to make the decision that i only get to see him starting late Friday night and him leaving Saturday night. Or me always the one driving to see him because he has a game
- He's a big baby if he gets hurt
Why I should be happy for him:
- He really loves basketball and I know how happy it makes him
- He's a big boy, he can make these decisions and if he gets hurt, its on him. I'll get to laugh at all our wedding pictures forever if he has crutches/boot on
So, should I explain to him why I'm upset and remind him that we decided not to do it, Tell him why I'm upset, but still encourage him to do it since he obviously really wants to, or just be a supportive FI and not say anything at all?
"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs