Wedding Etiquette Forum

Have we seen this?

Seth Meyer spoke at the White House Correspondent's Dinner last night and absolutely roasted Donald Trump....

The best thing is the expression on Trump's face the entire time.

Re: Have we seen this?

  • omg that was hysterical thanks for sharing. I love when they pano over to Trump and he has the same pissed off look on his face, fantastic
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  • I kind of love that we have a president with a sense of humor, and a wicked sense of humor at that. I don't agree with the guy on a lot of stuff, but I am definitely a fan of his wit.
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  • Seth Meyers has some gigantic cajones. :D  You know Trump was plotting his death the whole time.
  • Oh that was fantastic.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • edited May 2011
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b820d85f-1460-4518-b64f-c4289c61590ePost:acc4ca70-0039-4934-ae17-2becbe7513bc">Re: Have we seen this?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I kind of love that we have a president with a sense of humor, and a wicked sense of humor at that. I don't agree with the guy on a lot of stuff, but I am definitely a fan of his wit.
    Posted by sarah0725[/QUOTE]

    I agree!

    I loved his reply to a news person that asked him long before he decided to run, why he is such a big deal and if he would run for pres. (he was somewhere helping a govenor get elected) and his reply was something like: I am not sure yet but for now I guess I am just the flavor of the day. lol
  • I love that Obama has a sense of humor in all this.  And I loved the jab at Fox News.

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  • I watched it live on C-SPAN (yes, I have no life). It is hilarious!
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