Wedding Etiquette Forum

Monday night thread...

Hey!  What's everyone up to tonight?  I am watching "The 19th Wife" on Lifetime.  

Re: Monday night thread...

  • KentuckyKateKentuckyKate member
    edited May 2011
    Hi Loopy!  I am sitting here knotting!  (Sorry, I got nothing else)
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • Poor Adam.  I have said a prayer for him.  Sorry the little guy is having so many problems.

    Knotting is a worthwhile use of an evening in my book :).
  • KentuckyKateKentuckyKate member
    edited May 2011
    Also, we got new carpet installed in our basement today, and I'm having second thoughts a day late and $1800 short.  I'm hoping it will grow on me.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Hey ladies. KK I hope your little nephew makes it through healthy. He's a cutie.

    I'm probably going to go lay down in a little bit. Watch a little tv before bed.
  • Sounds like a busy day LTB.  I was at work for more than 10 hours, made dinner, cleaned up, and now I'm relaxing until bedtime.
  • I'm watching the news. I had planned on taking a walk at the park today but didn't get out of my pjs to do so.

    KK I don't know if you saw my response to your question about my labor the other night. From the point my contractions started on Friday it was just under 17 hours. From the point the cervidil was administered, which wasn't necessary according to the Dr, it was 6 hours 24 minutes.
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  • Hi!  I miss you ladies!  How are you?

    KK I really hope Adam is ok.  Is he in the NICU?
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  • Hi Andy - I miss you too.  Are you unpacked and settled in?  What's going on in your life?
  • Thanks guys.  He just had a spinal tap today which showed the meningitis.  We have to wait a few days for the lab results that will tell us if it's viral or bacterial (Viral=good, bacterial=bad).
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    What are you rethinking about it KK?
  • I was helping FI with some garage projects, then finished up the laundry. I have to go to bed soon so I can get up early, again, tomorrow. We have a bunch of new sales reps in for training this week. I'm looking forward to the weekend already.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday night thread...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi Andy - I miss you too.  Are you unpacked and settled in?  What's going on in your life?
    Posted by Loopyseven[/QUOTE]
    Sooo....we are unpacked and settled in.  Well mostly - we have some boxes but not much.  Work has been busy but good.  I'm almost totally done with medicines and this is the LAST month before TTC.

    How are you doing? 
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  • Aww KK your poor little nephew. He is definitely in my thoughts.
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  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    KK do they know how he might have contracted the meningitis?

  • Haha, yeah Ciara, I saw it the next day, but I didn't want to revive the nighttime thread.  Andy, I miss you too!  And yeah, Adam was born 8 days ago and hasn't been out of the NICU once.  He has had about a million blood tests, an ultrasound of his heart to check for holes, a CT scan to check for brain bleeding, and now the spinal tap.  I'm glad we have some answers now, but it is a scary answer.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday night thread...</a>:
    [QUOTE]KK do they know how he might have contracted the meningitis?
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]
    I have no idea.  He hasn't been out of the NICU, and as far as we know, SIL doesn't have it.  He was initially taken to the NICU right after he was born because of meconium aspiration, so maybe that can cause it?  I have no clue, and I know my brother has gotten a million phone calls today, so I'm just going to talk to him when more about it when I get to the hospital in the morning.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • I'm really glad he's there getting medical attention.  From what I've read/heard meningitis is super super scary...but mostly treatable.  My cousin died from it a couple years ago - 19 year old college kid who just thought he had the flu.

    I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
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  • I'm kinda nervous about how the next couple days are going to go. H has to go back to work so that means I will be by myself with Edmund.
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  • KK I'm so sorry about your nephew. He is in my thoughts and prayers, I just had a little one born in my family too. I can't imagine what your family is going through.

    Evening all. I'm sitting here watching interview with the vampire. Random, I know. I got my B-pics back today and I love them. I caved and showed them to FI though. We're both getting so sick of this deployment and I can't really send him a bday gift so I figured he can at least see the pics.
  • That's exciting Andy - I just got my last refill on my BC (mail order - so 12 more weeks) before we TTC.  Glad the unpacking is almost done.  We got new tables for our living room.  I like them a lot, and they're just a little smaller than the old one so the room looks bigger and is easier to move around.  Works for me :)

  • Hi ladies.  I'm just waiting for our dinner in the oven and enjoying a beverage.  

    KK I can't believe he got meningitits, poor little baby.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday night thread...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Monday night thread... : I have no idea.  He hasn't been out of the NICU, and as far as we know, SIL doesn't have it.  He was initially taken to the NICU right after he was born because of <strong>meconium aspiration</strong>, so maybe that can cause it?  I have no clue, and I know my brother has gotten a million phone calls today, so I'm just going to talk to him when more about it when I get to the hospital in the morning.
    Posted by KentuckyKate[/QUOTE]

    Is that where they accidentally breath in their own fecal matter during delivery?
  • I loved my b-pics.  I managed to hold out until the wedding night to show H.  It was fun, and actually a confidence booster for me.  A friend of mine had triplets a week and a half ago and they are SO cute.  Still in the NICU but they are off all respirators and stuff now and might go home as early as this weekend.
  • Yes MK or sometimes before delivery.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday night thread...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Monday night thread... : Is that where they accidentally breath in their own fecal matter during delivery?
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    I think it is MK. I actually had that happen to me when I was born I believe.
  • KK he's a cutie. I hope he gets better soon!

    My night is dull. I feel like crap so I'm just sitting here on the couch feeling sorry for myself. Work is going to be super boring this week. They hired so many new writers because they freaked out over our queue, and now we have nothing to do and they are sending people home early. They do this all the time. I'll be damned if I go home early without pay.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday night thread...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi ladies.  I'm just waiting for our dinner in the oven and enjoying a beverage.   KK I can't believe he got meningi<strong>tits</strong>, poor little baby.  
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]
    Heh.  And hi beachy :)
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • KK, he is a darling little guy.  Best of luck to you and yours - little Adam will be in my thoughts this week.

    I'm sitting here alternating pre-wedding panic with the desire to take a nap, even though it's 9:30.  FI is still at his parents' house sorting out some things, so I am on my own and I've been too lazy even to cook anything.  Can't decide between rice and beans or a baked potato.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    That's what I thought. I've got him in my thoughts KK.

    One of Lucas's family friends had twins on Easter. They were due in August. They're in the NICU and won't get to leave until August at the earliest. The two of them together didn't weigh 4 lbs. It's amazing to think that Tide went to 38 weeks and both her babies were over 6lbs.
  • KK,

    T&P to your nephew!
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