Wedding Etiquette Forum

Rehearsal Dinner Invites

Is this something that can be spread by word of mouth, or do we need invitations? If so, should we include them in our wedding invitations or a separate thing? 

Re: Rehearsal Dinner Invites

  • Invitations are not necessary, but if you want to do them, it is fine. Spreading the word by mouth is just fine.
  • I've always received an invite for a RD for a friend or family but I really don't know if it's necessary if the RD is on the smaller side.

    MOG did them
  • It'll probably be about thirty-five people. We have 9 in our wedding party + 3 child attendants. I'd rather not spend the time and money on invitations if they aren't necessary :)
  • My MIL did invites for our RD b/c she needed a head count for food. They were really cheap and basic. She got them at Party City and filled in the details, sort of like a kids birthday party invite. But if you don't want to do them and feel confident getting all the info out to everyone, then don't do them.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:bc0cd7b6-051d-4580-9207-817fc87729c2Post:def48ead-4af6-48bd-80e4-b9cbc752b1bb">Re: Rehearsal Dinner Invites</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've always received an invite for a RD for a friend or family but I really don't know if it's necessary if the RD is on the smaller side. MOG did them
    Posted by ootmother2[/QUOTE]

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    This lady is a wiz at any type of stationery so the RD invites were nothing to her and they were gorgeous!
  • The rehearsal dinner is a personal dinner between you, closest family, and wedding party. They, therefore, probably won't mind getting a word of mouth invitation.We are sending them out (separate of the invitations) just because we are having a small one of about 16, but it's not needed.
    My suggestion: Send out a predone e-mail like those that you can send through if you don't want to buy invites. That way you know you don't miss anyone and everyone has the EXACT info, so no mix ups with one person hearing 530 and another hearing 6 :)
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