H and I have a service with our bank in the US, and they handle all of our US... crap... to put it mildly. They receive packages for us, ship them here, or ship them elsewhere if we are in the US. They even have
wrapped our Christmas presents, tagged, and sent them. Suffice it to say, they are fuucking awesome. We want to send a little something for the girl who handles our stuff.
So. The argument.
H thinks flowers are better. Like this bouquet:
http://ww11.1800flowers.com/product.do?baseCode=18831&dataset=11392&cm_cid=d11392I want to send her this:
http://ww11.1800flowers.com/product.do?baseCode=94818&dataset=10560&cm_cid=d10560H thinks everyone will notice the flowers more, and thus, it will mean more to her. Whereas no one will notice or care about a giant thing of chocolate. (Oh how little he knows women!)