Wedding Etiquette Forum

'Plus Ones' a la the BBC

"People should be grown up enough to say 'I am the friend and I am more than an indissoluble body from my partner'. It's slightly childish and self indulgent if they can't. As for inviting someone you don't know so they can keep someone company, stuff that."


Re: 'Plus Ones' a la the BBC

  • Wow...I just read that. I can't believe how harshly her comment was worded. 
  • I'm shocked at the Debrett's etiquette, to be honest. While I think people here on the knot sometimes stretch the American "social unit" rule beyond all previous comprehension and outside it's original context, the idea that it's OK to invite half of a married couple is beyond me. 

    And I love how at the end, one of the "experts" says it's ok to call and ask for a plus one. UM, NO. Thankfully the Debrett's guy got that right!
  • While I agree that, in conformity with the general sentiment expressed on these boards, it IS rude to outright ask for the granting of a plus one, there is the flip side in which a guest has recently become involved with someone and while the whole thing is new, it is definitely serious. 
    One of H's college friends called after receiving our invitation.  As H relays the conversation, she was definitely proceeding with care and caution when she mentioned to him that she'd become serious with someone new, and they were trying to coordinate their summer plans. I think she even said something like, "I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to ask this, but...." Our response?  We were super happy to hear her news, and insisted she bring her new beau.  That was last summer, and they are planning their wedding now.

    My point is, if one of our guests had someone special newly arrived in their life, and we hadn't been made aware, we would have wished they had piped up.

    And, if ever H or I are invited to a wedding without the other, I'm pretty sure neither of us would be going.  That quote I highlighted in the OP is just absurd.  
  • My favourite line:  "But if you are just horrified at the thought of going to a wedding alone, it's time to grow up, says Mangan."We're all old enough to go to a party and mix with people, if you can't it's rather pathetic."I could never imagine relaying that message to a guest.  There are nicer ways of saying no.
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