Wedding Etiquette Forum

Anyone else spending Christmas with the ILs?


Re: Anyone else spending Christmas with the ILs?

  • This year we're spending breakfast and lunch with my family, and having the afternoon/dinner with his. Usually we spend lunch with his and breakfast with mine, but head back there in the afternoon. We're lucky in that even though we live about an hour from them,  our parents live only half and hour drive apart so it's easy to move between houses to see everyone. We've always compromised though and seen both on the day, and I have no problem with doing that.
  • The parade starts at 9:00 AM, NYC time ')

    yeah, I do try to sleep in while everyone is at the parade
  • I've never watched the parade either...never up in time. I hate working nights. Staying awake that long just seems too hard for me. And as a child, my parents were never big on it so it never really meant anything to me. I keep saying I'm going to watch it, but I keep falling asleep before it's on.

    p.s. To answer question. My family is not very close and willing to schedule everything around my FILs. Thanksgiving Day was MIL, Day after my parents. Christmas Eve I work 12 hours, Christmas Day at my parents (FMIL is a nurse and works that day), and Day After Christmas is FMIL.
  • Not for Christmas, thank god. I just got back from Thanksgiving. I've decided, apart from my FMIL's shining personality (*sarcasm font*) going to their house makes me tense and crazy because 1) FFIL is a huge packrat, so the house is horribly cluttered. Like, he really has a problem. And 2) The eleventy billion animals they have contribute to the utter chaos. (Well, they just got a puppy, so they now have 3 dogs and 5 cats in the house. The cats are allowed on everything, including the kitchen counter and dining table.)

    FMIL says her favorite holiday (after Halloween) is Thanksgiving. Last year we did a long trip and spent Christmas with FI's family, then New Year's with mine. But FI said maybe we could spend every Thanksgiving with his family if his mom likes it so much. I'd be fine with that. Then we could spend Christmas with my family (Christmas Eve with my dad, Christmas day with my mom.)
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  • Nope! 2nd year in a row my husband will be spending christmas with my family and NOT visiting his!

    Same here :)  Only because my mom gives us free flights from her Southwest credit card, so it is much cheaper to visit her.  But we just did Thanksgiving with FI's mom and I have to admit I missed my family's recipes.  I love the woman but her stuffing consisted of bread crumbs, mushrooms, corn, and almond slivers.  That is NOT how my grandma makes it.
  • We spent Thanksgiving with my parents and will spend most of Christmas with his.

    My family has a big Christmas Eve party so we will be going to that and then spending the night with my parents ( in separate rooms and beds because we are not married and even though we live together its "in sin.") Then we will wake up and go to church with my parents and then leave and drive 2 hours  to spend Christmas with his.

    My mother is not okay with this, but she deals. I hate to admit this, but I love his family and they are way more laid back than my own. Plus, its his niece's 1st Christmas, and she is our goddaughter, so I want to be there and spoil the heck out of her.

    The only thing I will miss again about my mom's house is the food. His family is Puerto Rican and cooks a little differently than my Southern born mother.
  • I'll be dealing with this next year. This year the ILs got Thanksgiving and my family has Xmas. We are going to rotate every other year.

  • We spend Christmas Eve at my parent's house with my family and then spend Christmas Day with my H's family at his aunt's house.  It's always worked out great for us that way because my family tradition has always been xmas eve and his has always been xmas day, so we didn't really have to compromise or miss out on anything. 

    On Thanksgiving though, I don't see my family at all.  My parents go to FL for the winter and don't come back for Thanksgiving so my brothers and I all do stuff with our in-laws instead.  So that kind of sucks, but it's just the way it goes.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone else spending Christmas with the ILs?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Nope! 2nd year in a row my husband will be spending christmas with my family and NOT visiting his! Same here :)  Only because my mom gives us free flights from her Southwest credit card, so it is much cheaper to visit her.  But we just did Thanksgiving with FI's mom and I have to admit I missed my family's recipes.  I love the woman but her stuffing consisted of bread crumbs, mushrooms, corn, and almond slivers.  That is NOT how my grandma makes it.
    Posted by Kati0105[/QUOTE]
    My MIL's stuffing comes from a box, the turkey is incredibly dry and they serve it with KETCHUP instead of gravy because she doesnt know how to make it.
  • I am and I'm thrilled about it. I love my dad and brothers, but they are going to be going to dinner at my brothers' grandmother's house and I HATE that side of the family. They are a bunch of pompous a-holes.
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  • Yup...don't love the idea but fair is fair.  We spent Thanksgiving with my family, so it's the right thing to do.  Plus, my parents live close enough that we'll stop by and see them in the morning for a little bit.  I'd like to think that will be nice enough and make them happy, and I'm sure it will for my Dad, but I anticipate some level of drama from my mom.  Ah, the holidays
  • Pizza is my Thanksgiving tradition.  I absolutely hate thanksgiving food and ever since I became a vegetarian, I've had left over pizza for dinner.  Pizza, salad, & apple crisp.  That's my traditional thanksgiving meal.

    I am spending Christmas at my FIL and my parents are coming too.  It is going to be AWKWARD!
  • My sister is spending it with hers so we decided to sync it up.  We are supposed to be switching off anyway (for the past 5 christmas') but Mike worked christmas day twice in a row so we didn't spend christmas with anyone. 

    I am a grinch as it is, so I prefer to be with my family.  I just need to stay drunk and I should be fine though.  His family doesn't drink much (well the jamaican side does, but they won't be there), so I have to watch it too. 

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