Wedding Etiquette Forum

AW: SS :)

Lookie lookie...

My very own Ped Egg and some cute flameless candles!! :) I love them!

Thank you, Santa! (aka... cfas!)

Re: AW: SS :)

  • Awesome! Were those on your elfster? Do those foot things work? They both scare and intrigue me at the same time. Are those candles scented? What do they smell like? When did you put your christmas tree up? I don't have mine up yet - after we move on Monday it shall be done!
  • (I totally did a mini-Mandy quiz there... oops)
  • Alix took a page out of my book.

    So tomorrow fishy has to take a page out of Alix's book and our trifecta will be complete.

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    being healthy. blog.
  • Haha no worries! :)

    Yup, they were on my Elfster wish list. The Ped Egg has always intrigued me, too - I haven't tried it yet. I'll definitely let you know! :) The candles aren't scented, but they smell pretty much like wax. :) We loove having candles all over and I figured these ones would last longer, so I thought I'd give them a shot! I actually put up my tree last weekend because I knew this weekend would be busy. Yesterday was crazy, and then H and I went to Best Buy at 2am today so now we're lazing all afternoon. Tomorrow and Sunday will be busy too. So I got the tree out of the way early. :)

    Speaking of lazing... I think I'm going to go back to the couch. We got our kick ass new computer (Yaay!!) but I'm going on about 3 hours of sleep (Boo!!). So glad to have today off!
  • I've been bad and haven't sent my SS present yet. I was waiting for better deals!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: AW: SS :)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Alix took a page out of my book. So tomorrow fishy has to take a page out of Alix's book and our trifecta will be complete.
    Posted by mandysmear[/QUOTE]

    I hope there's no poop in your trifecta.
  • When am I supposed to send my SS gift??  Don't tell me I am late already.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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