So my paternal grandma just passed away 2 weeks ago and she was invited to our wedding in August. Well, I didn't invite any of my dad's siblings because we really do not know them well and the ones we do have no understanding of word polite. Well at my grandma's funeral my dad's sister told him, TOLD HIM, that she will come to my wedding in place of grandma and going to stay with him, the only problem is she is NOT invited and they don't have the room. Now here is where it may sound bad but, neither my groom nor myself or my father want her to attend because she loud and obnoxious. I told my dad that I am not going to send her an invite so she hopefully will not appear. Am I in the right if she calls my dad(considering we are paying for the wedding) for him to say, "it's not my place to invite you to my daughter's wedding" and just leave it at that?