Wedding Etiquette Forum

NE GTG girls

Okay, we settled on a date (Jan 22) and a snow date (Jan 29), but do we have a location yet?  Does anyone have ideas?  I know we had agreed to meet in Natick Massachusetts, but I don't think we had picked a place to go yet.

Also, can everyone PM me their email addresses if you are planning on coming?

Can't wait to meet all of you!

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Re: NE GTG girls

  • MoneyPenny and I had both suggested Met Bar.  Of course there's tons of other stuff in Natick, too:

    Ruby Tuesdays
    Firefly BBQ
    Olive Garden
    PF Changs
    Cheesecake Factory

    And YGPM (in a second)
  • I am more than okay with all of those places.  I have never been to Met Bar so that would be a nice place to try, but I'm up for anything.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I'd be up for pretty much anything, I haven't been to Met Bar either. 

    Bay ygpm in one minute.
  • The whole list sound fine to me.

  • I haven't been to MetBar either, sounds good to me!
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • I'm not familiar w/ Natick- but like I said before, totally down! I'll PM you my email address too
  • OMG Fish, are you coming?  Because that would be awesome.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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    They have lots of stuff including a make your own hamburger(cheeseburger?) menu.  We might go there tonight for the hubby's birthday, too!!

    Fischy - don't toy with me.  I know that you're not coming.  :(
  • I'd be up for any of those as well.

    YGPM in a minute.


  • What time are you thinking? I have a training thing for our co-op until 2:00 on the 22nd. But YGPM in a min.
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  • Nicki, we were probably thinking afternoon.  How far away are you?  There are some people that might be coming from Eastern NY, so I don't know how they feel about the timing.  It's 15 minutes from me, so I can't really have any sway.
  • I was thinking early afternoon, but I still have to make sure I can have the car that day and H can get a ride to and from work.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I've been to Met Bar before and its pretty good - especially if you're a fan of burgers or truffle fries, but anywhere is good to me.  I love food!

    Bay, I'll PM you in a few seconds.
  • I am an hour 45 min away. So that should be ok, if I get there a little later, right?

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  • Ok, I'm seriously blonde and can't figure out to PM.  Help, anyone?  I've got the message page open...

    (This is why I've had the same sig pic for the last 4 months.)
  • I'm definitely in, ladies - Bay you'll have a PM in a second.

    any of those places are fine with me - Natick is only about 40 minutes away from me so any time is fine!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c2823dcc-8b3d-4d99-8c71-df95168961fePost:7c72a7b5-d7cf-43e1-8db9-0290100d5301">Re: NE GTG girls</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm feeling the same jealousy as I did with the DC GTG. Y'all suck. Except I get to see Mrs. Poppins again next weekend!
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    You know, you COULD make a trip up north...just sayin'  ;)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c2823dcc-8b3d-4d99-8c71-df95168961fePost:3c63336a-0fce-42fd-9005-d382b6bcea4f">Re: NE GTG girls</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NE GTG girls : We need a southerners caravan to head up north.
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    I'm down!
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
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    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • I'm in!  Either date works for me, at any of the restaurants.  Baystate YGPM.

    Who else is coming from eastern NY?  Anyone up for carpooling?  I'm in Albany, 2hrs 49 minutes per Google Maps.

  • I'm in unless I can get my shoulder operated on then and won't be able to drive.  I am also willing to carpool if anyone is coming from north of Boston. I have zero familiarity with Natick so no preference on location.

    Bay I'll send you a PM now.
  • Trifury - where north of Boston?  I'm on the North Shore.


  • I was thinking about posing the carpooling/rides question as well.  I'm IN Boston, and can get myself anywhere accessible by T if someone in the city is driving (I have no car).  Or if there are a few ladies in town who want to carpool but have no vehicles, maybe we can all split a Zipcar?
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c2823dcc-8b3d-4d99-8c71-df95168961fePost:ed4c0bff-fc1e-480d-a76b-0ff7aa07f8fb">Re: NE GTG girls</a>:
    [QUOTE]Trifury - where north of Boston?  I'm on the North Shore.
    Posted by kjhowd[/QUOTE]

    I'm in Wilmington
  • Ill be sitting 3 booths over with my trenchcoat, wig, sunglasses and binoculars ;)
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    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Trifury - if you're not able to drive, I'd be willing to carpool if you wanted. 


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NE GTG girls</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ill be sitting 3 booths over with my trenchcoat, wig, sunglasses and binoculars ;)
    Posted by Blueyed228[/QUOTE]

    Orrrr you could just come :)

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c2823dcc-8b3d-4d99-8c71-df95168961fePost:8167244a-a563-4a57-b76d-5f6b9c682797">Re: NE GTG girls</a>:
    [QUOTE]Trifury - if you're not able to drive, I'd be willing to carpool if you wanted. 
    Posted by kjhowd[/QUOTE]

    Thanks!  That would be great. I'm sending you a PM now with my email.  I'll know more tomorrow.
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