And we got one in the mail yesterday. An invite to the dance only of a couple who are in our circle of friends, but we're not as close to them as others in the group. I suspected we wouldn't be invited to the wedding at all. I'd rather have not been.
We kind of have a "rule" that we don't go when we receive tiered invites. I try not to be hoity toity notty about it, as they are extremely common in my area.
Anyway, we're going to break the rule, because it is going to be fun, and all of our friends will be there...
BUT - to make matters worse, they made the invite out to "Matt & Jaime". First of all, Matt is not my husband's name, it's Mark. And you know...we have a last name. Use it. It just says "Matt & Jaime". Also, Mark grew up with the bride in the same small town...they're a few years apart in age, but grew up next to each other.
Anyway, my point/question: If you were going to the dance-only portion of a wedding, what kind of gift would you bring? Let's be honest, I know most of you are going to say you wouldn't go/wouldn't be invited to a dance only/wouldn't bring a gift...but I mean, we've gotta bring card for a nice restaurant, bottle of wine? I'm talking no more than $25.