Wedding Etiquette Forum

Venue Cancelled on Me- Help!

Hey guys,

Been a lurker for a while but now I need some advice- stat. 
I am 4 months from my wedding and I booked my venue in February of '10. My venue was a historic mansion and I had to bring in all outside vendors, rentals, etc. It is basically just the space I contracted for. I went there last weekend to show my FMIL and the owner dropped a bombshell on me that she is selling the venue and will not be able to host my wedding. 

I, of course, signed a contract and there was nothing in it re: them canceling so I'm assuming that's good since it doesn't limit the damages.

Anyway, I'm getting married in a resort town that is VERY popular for weddings. There are few places not booked. BUT the only place that I think is comparable is more money. Shouldn't the venue that cancelled be responsible for paying for the difference in cost? Especially since I booked in 2010, now I have to deal with 2011 prices AND my choices are so limited because almost all places are booked on my date. 

I can't change dates- I already sent out save the dates, flights have been booked by friends and family, hotels have been booked, all my vendors have been carefully chosen and contracted. I purposely planned this 2 years in advance so I get my top choice vendors. I don't think I should have to suffer the loss of this since they are the ones who didn't uphold their end of the contract.

Do i have a leg to stand on? 

Re: Venue Cancelled on Me- Help!

  • Well, you can certainly try. But I'm no legal expert and I don't know the laws in your state. I'd suggest contacting a lawyer about it.
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  • You need to call an attorney and they will need to see your contract.
  • Yea I did that- we are waiting for their answer now but while I'm in limbo I was hoping to see if anyone had law experience on here to settle my stomach a little bit :-\
  • I think it really depends on your contract. If they cancelled on you, they may be responsible for picking up any charges related to you finding a new venue or have to provide you with one. Good luck with the lawyer!
  • Ditto.  Contact a lawyer.  But....I wouldn't expect that they're responsible for the difference between their price and someone else's.  If she's selling the business, how will she pay for that?  Also, is it possible that the new owners (if it's already in process of being sold) would be able to honor the contract?
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • The contract does not state anything pertaining to if they cancel. They mention that if there is a conflict we need to go through a mediator before an arbitrator and that's about it... 
  • There are no new owners yet but she cannot guarantee they would because she doesn't know who they are yet and she can't risk me waiting any longer since I'm 4 months out. 

  • I'd also find out if the new owners could honor the contract.  Call them up and do a tearful request.

    But also make sure that they're not going to do anything between now and then to alter the venue (i.e. renovations).

    Good luck!!!

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c4b73984-bb28-460a-80f3-968088a4adc4Post:f586f6b8-43fb-47ec-b03b-45a8a6f13a34">Re: Venue Cancelled on Me- Help!</a>:
    [QUOTE]There are no new owners yet but she cannot guarantee they would because she doesn't know who they are yet and she can't risk me waiting any longer since I'm 4 months out. 
    Posted by BrambleBerry[/QUOTE]

    So she hasn't sold the place yet? There's a chance she may not in only 4 months. Also, if somebody is looking to buy a place sometimes the process can take awhile, but that's just what I've seen working for a mortgage company. You're right though, it's better safe than sorry. Good luck with this I hope it works out for you!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I think you better go ahead and book another venue and settle this with the proper legal steps in the meantime.  You might not have the money back from the current venue to use upfront on the new one, but hopefully you would get it back eventually.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • I would choose another venue. Call a lawyer, but I don't know how much (if anything) you'll be able to get out of the venue. If they're selling they should refund your deposit though.
  • I don't know if you can get the difference in price. But hopefully you'll get whatever you've but into the venue and maybe punitive damages? 

    This is not legal advice. Talk to a lawyer! :)
  • I'm so sorry to hear about that!  How stressful!!!  Keep up posted on what happens!!
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  • GeauxTigers17GeauxTigers17 member
    edited May 2011
    Call a lawyer immediately. 

    Edited to add the caveat that this isn't legal advice, of course - 

    I'm obviously not looking at your contract so I don't know if it's well put together or not, but this woman seems like she isn't much of a business woman - it's usually a condition of the sale of something like this that the acquiring company/person assumes the rights and obligations of the previous owner - which would mean that the new owner would step into your contract as if they were the original contractor, under the same terms and everything. 

    It's bizarre to me that she's not planning on doing this, but maybe you can get your attorney to talk to her about doing this in case she DOES sell before your wedding. Either that, or find another venue. Discuss possible damages with your attorney - it can vary wildly from state to state/industry to industry.

  • Obviously I haven't read your contract, but....

    By not letting you have the wedding there, they break their end of the contract. They owe you your deposit back (if you gave one). It really depends on the lawyer and the judge you get, but you might get them to pay the difference. The deposit is almost guaranteed, though.

    You should definitely look into what tigers said... Then you can just go on as if nothing happened.
  • I would strat looking for a new venue NOW. Be open with them about the situation, maybe they'll cut you a break price-wise. Something like this happened to someone I know and that's what she did.
  • If it's any consolation, I was originally looking at a 2012 wedding date, but unexpectedly got into my venue at a discount price because they had a random date open and wanted to fill it up. You never know who might have a cancellation or an odd opening. Good luck!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm sorry to hear this. I was telling my mom about this and she told me "if I were to sell my apartment building, in the contract I can require that they take all of my current tenants." It seems like if she were to sell, her current contracts could be a stipulation of the sale. A lawyers advice is good but beware of the cost of a lawyer, court fees, and the struggle to get the judgement after it is awarded.
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