Wedding Etiquette Forum


Did anyone else not have programs?  I just see them as a waste of paper.

Re: programs

  • edited April 2011
    We did them. However, they are not necessary. And if you are having a super simple and short program I could see them not really being worth it.They are also a good way to save time and money.
  • If you're having a fairly traditional wedding, and most of your guests will know who the wedding party is, then you don't need them.

    I've been to weddings that involved complicated religious symbolism that I was unfamiliar with, and I felt like I would have appreciated a program to explain some of what was going on so I could have understood and appreciated the meaning behind it.  

    I've also been to weddings where I knew who the Bridesmaids were, but didn't know any of the groomsmen, and wondered "who is that guy?  how is he related to the groom?"

    If it's obvious then you don't need a program.   Or if its not in your budget, you can definitely skip it. 

  • We are doing them.  I think they're nice to have.  Our friends and families are so spread out, and many haven't met anyone... plus, I want to have an "In memory" note for my dad.
  • This may be surprising to some, but I've actually never been to a wedding that had programs...and I will not be doing them as I have the same opinion as yours, at least for my own wedding which is pretty traditional. If I was doing something out of the norm though, like a PP said, I would probably have them and just buy some cheap ones from Michaels and DIY them. 
    Planning Bio

    Our wedding date is November 12, 2011

    110 invited 86 accepted! 20 can't make it 4 haven't responded yet
    RSVP Date October 12th, 2011

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