Wedding Etiquette Forum


So, I have an MOH that is constantly mad at me....  What do I do?!?!

Here's the story-  We went venue shopping and I got a nasty letter saying that I am taking  everything out on her and that I am a Bridezilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, she said it.  She told me everyone (including my mom and my other MOH) aggreed.  Now, I am an honest person, and a really easy going person.  Of course there are stresses planning a wedding, but this was the first thing we did, and I begged my other MOH and my mom to please tell me if I did anything or was rude to anyone.  They both said no, and I still apologized to them and they laughed in my face and told me the other MOH is way out of line.
So this same MOH was out of town and I went dress shopping for the first time with my mom and my other MOH.  It was a last minute thing, locally, and....wait now I'm explaining myself again....So I told her that night I went and cant wait for her to come and see the ones I liked (I didnt fall in love with anything).  Her response to me was " seriously went without me?" I assured her it was no big deal and we have plenty more times to go.  Nope-Got another letter saying how hurt she was and how would I feel, ect.  I didnt even tell her my other MOH went cause she would've lost it. 
So-I take her to try on the dresses and she is EXTREMELY judgemental and in a terrible mood the whole time.  Shes been my BFF for as long as I can rememeber...My FH and Dad are both ready to tell her off, and I have tried to talk to her but she told me she'll just "grin and bare it" and I'm right...but I feel like shes being vindictive and just thinking I am being out of control....Mind you I have only done these 2 things for my wedding!!!

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