Wedding Etiquette Forum


someone help me! what is the correct way to do this? we are have people in the bridal party that are married but their spouses are not in the bridal party so we were going to have them join their spouses in the reception at the bridal table so i am not sure how we should announce the bridal party at the reception. where do the spouses belong are they just seated at the bridal table?

Re: reception

  • Yes, your BP should be seated with their spouses/dates.  If you are having a head table, the spouses shoudl be seated there as well.

    One other option is a sweetheart table.  You and your FI will sit there alone, while your BP and their spouses will be seated amongst their friends/family.
  • In Response to <a href="">reception</a>:
    [QUOTE]someone help me! what is the correct way to do this? we are have people in the bridal party that are married but their spouses are not in the bridal party so we were going to have them join their spouses in the reception at the bridal table so i am not sure how we should announce the bridal party at the reception. where do the spouses belong are they just seated at the bridal table?
    Posted by ges100[/QUOTE]

    Generally, the BP is introduced without their spouses but with their escort partners from the recession.  If you're having a captain's table, then their SOs would already be seated waiting for them.  If you're having a sweetheart table, then their SOs would be at the guest tables waiting.  All BP members should sit with their SOs.
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  • I think you're saying that you're having a head table and allowing WP dates to sit there (good for you!) and you just want to know where the WP dates should be waiting while you announce the WP.

    I think it's fine for them to be already sitting up there at the head table, if that's what you're asking.
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  • You could do a sweetheart table for you and your hubby, and then place your WP with their dates/spouses together at a special table or 2 close by. This way they are near you at the "front" of the dining area, get to all be together with the other members of the WP, and are not separated from their dates.  (That's what we are doing). 
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  • thank you that answers my question!
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