Wedding Etiquette Forum

Anyone ever order from Omaha Steaks?

Re: Anyone ever order from Omaha Steaks?

  • I haven't.  But, my grandmother does all.the.time.  The stuff is really good.  It's still just a bit more than I'm willing to spend, though.  It's def. high quality.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • My old boss always gave us Omaha Steaks and they were amazing.  We eat them a lot because my cousin works there too, I'd say they are worth it.
  • They are good, but not THAT good. My former MIL used to send us some, and while we really appreciated it, they aren't something I would spend the money on myself. The quality isn't that much better than you can get at the local Publix, and not as good as Whole Foods, IMO.
  • My mom does. TOTALLY worth it. YUM.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Hautelook has them today.  I was thinking about getting one of the dinners.
  • Oh woah thanks for the heads up on that. I wanted to do steaks for Christmas Eve dinner.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • haha well leave me some.  I emailed H to make sure he's ok with me spending $40 on steaks.
  • I'm salivating.
  • I just ordered the Fantastic Family Feast.  After shipping and handling it was $67 for food for 10 people, which is pretty good for a steak feast!
  • That's a REALLY good price. That's like 3 good steaks at Outback.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I find them worth it, as infrequently as I eat steak. 
    We had just placed and received an order before I evaucated for Hurricane Katrina.  I am still mourning the loss of thsoe steaks.  We had the order and shipping confirmation to prove our freezer contents, so our insurance paid for them, but I hate the thought of wasting them.
    I don't mind being held to a higher standard; I mind being held to a lower one. (Sam Seaborn, The West Wing)
  • Wow, that's a good price.  I couldn't go to my local butcher shop and get good steaks for 10 people for $67.
  • I would not order from Omaha again.  It was okay but not great for the price.  I get better deals down at the local butcher shop.  AND they call us ALL the time now to order again.  I would definitely pass.

    The only good thing is that we have a phone that tells you who is calling and it sounds like she is saying "Call from....A man who stinks." instead of Omaha Steaks.

    Now with more wedded bliss.

    I don't get married often, but when I do, I do it in Las Vegas.


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  • I never have, but my grandfather buys them religiously.

    And trust me, HE knows good steak.
  • I send my grandparents a OS gift package every christmas and they love it. I've had the steaks before and they are pretty yummy.
  • My dad's group does it a lot and their big time steak people. We love them!
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