My fiance and I had been discussing adding his cousins (if they happened to come to the wedding from out of town) to our bridal party. As of right now, it consists of his brother as his BM and my sister as my MOH.
He got a bit overly excited after realizing the cousins would be coming while talking on the phone to his Aunt... he invited the four kids to be in the wedding party. She said they would love to be in it.
Since then, my fiance and I have discussed this more and he admits that he was a bit quick-triggered to invite them in the bridal party when we weren't even sure we wanted a larger party. We unfortunately can't afford to outfit all four of his cousins, and we know the aunt can't afford to either (especially since they're already paying for an out of town wedding).
How do I handle this situation? Or do I leave it alone and hope the Aunt eventually contacts me with regrets that the kids can't participate? I don't want to hurt their feelings and "uninvite" them as wedding party members, but we simply cannot afford to have a large bridal party.