Wedding Etiquette Forum

A little gem courtesy of my SIL...

SIL just posted this FB status update... I thought you'd all enjoy this.

missing my HUSBAND. yup thats right. Im married. and i dont need someone else to tell me i got married too young. I got married for the right reasons, because i cant picture the rest of my life without him and because he sees all my flaws and imperfections and still wants to kiss me goodnight every night and kiss me good morning every morning. now if you have a problem with that, well then, SUCK IT.

Re: A little gem courtesy of my SIL...

  • Hrm, mature.
  • She sounds like a real sweetheart. 
  • Oh shiit, I was a BM in her wedding and it was the most awful experience of my life.
  • Do tell!

    Nothing like showing the world how mature you are by telling people to suck it.  How long do you give the marriage? 
  • Someone sounds like she needs a pat on the head.

    FI's cousin was like that...she'd leave tons of passive-aggressive FB status updates defending her shitass husband that the entire family hated (she eloped at 20 with this loser almost twice her age, who had an 8 year old, no job, and who refused to pay child support for his kid, what a winner).  She's since come to her senses and filed for divorce, thank God.  It's nice not to read those stupid status updates anymore.

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  • It's clear she knows how to capitalize, it just seems like she has a problem knowing where to use it. Bless her heart.
  • So what's the over/under on the longevity of the marriage?  10 months?
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  • hahaha.. how old is she?
  • Yeah, sounds like a real mature marriage there.

    I once told someone on the knot to suck it.  True story.  But, it was a troll so I think that wipes out my weak moment of immaturity.
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  • Airing dirty laundry on facebook is worse to me than the time my neighbor threw all her husband's clothes out the window. At least only like five people saw that ...

    My step sister and her husband had some problems and aired all kinds of shiit on fb about him hurting her (physically) and having a girlfriend on the side. Her mom (my step mom) wrote nastygrams on his fb too. Then they got back together.

    Wouldn't have it been nicer if every person they had every met in their whole life didn't know the intimate details of their realtionship?
  • OWN- It's hard to guess. This is a perfect example of her personality, but my brother is HEAD OVER HEELS for this girl and he has been since he met her 4 years ago. (Why? I don't know.)

    SIL was the epitome of every thing a bride shouldn't do. A few examples: A week before the wedding, she emailed all of us BMs about the rehearsal and made a point to remind us that the rehearsal was at a church and that we shouldn't dress like "skanks" in a church. 

    She also SCREAMED at one of the girls when she came back from Florida a month before the wedding with tan lines (we had strapless dresses).

    Her BFF (and MOH) has not spoken to her once since the wedding (June 5). I could go on... but I'm sure there's a character limit eventually. :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cc849a21-1658-41ac-bdac-777e3a7885c5Post:1d21ea04-3174-439b-ab86-dde5c8430221">Re: A little gem courtesy of my SIL...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah, sounds like a real mature marriage there. I once told someone on the knot to suck it.  True story.  But, it was a troll so I think that wipes out my weak moment of immaturity.
    Posted by Mrs.B6302007[/QUOTE]

    Haha.  Yeah, when I tell someone to suck it, I'm taking a little wallow in immaturity, not trying to advertise how mature I am. 
  • P.S. She's 21 and still lives with her mother (even though she's been married to my brother for 2 months now). They are finally moving in to an apartment together in a few weeks.

    Oh, ha - you'll love this. They were going to get married last summer but then realized she wanted to be of drinking age for her own wedding. Hehe.
  • Ugh I have a co worker who does this stuff.  Talks all about her bf and how much she loves him and then her teen-age children scream at her via posts at how much they hate him, and then she defends him.  I call it white trash FB.  As a young bride myself, if you have to defend yourself on FB for getting married, you obviously have no business being married.
  • How old is your brother?
  • OK fine... 4 years. Someone write that down... June 5, 2014 someone remind me of this and we'll see how they're doing.

    And while I'm making predictions, I'll also predict that it will be a trainwreck of a divorce. Her mother is as unstable as she is, and her mother has been divorced 4 times.

    And SIL had 3 of those 4 men walk her down the aisle. LOL!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cc849a21-1658-41ac-bdac-777e3a7885c5Post:85581d0d-ab41-4ea6-8d2c-6d0a49343b9b">Re: A little gem courtesy of my SIL...</a>:
    [QUOTE]How old is your brother?
    Posted by jnic0319[/QUOTE]

    He'll be 25 in a few weeks.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A little gem courtesy of my SIL...</a>:
    [QUOTE]OK fine... 4 years. Someone write that down... June 5, 2014 someone remind me of this and we'll see how they're doing. And while I'm making predictions, I'll also predict that it will be a trainwreck of a divorce. Her mother is as unstable as she is, and her mother has been divorced 4 times. <strong>And SIL had 3 of those 4 men walk her down the aisle. LOL!</strong>
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    OK I really LOL'd on this one.  Sounds like a train wreck.
  • I've mentioned this before, but this is the girl that my mom and I have nicknamed, "DQ." She used to work at Dairy Queen and has never thought twice about it when we call her that to her face.

    Too bad it also stands for Drama Queen.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cc849a21-1658-41ac-bdac-777e3a7885c5Post:c2e4bbe0-a033-422f-a864-ee296f7d5690">Re: A little gem courtesy of my SIL...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've mentioned this before, but this is the girl that my mom and I have nicknamed, "DQ." She used to work at Dairy Queen and has never thought twice about it when we call her that to her face. Too bad it also stands for Drama Queen. Oy.
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    oh thats awesome

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  • Holy crap.  She sounds like the poster child for "you're not mature enough to get married!"

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Haha at least I only have to share a last name with her for another 23 days. LOL!
  • She is like, really, so totally ready to be all married and junk.  Super mature-like, srsly!!1
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